I wish to cancel health unlocked but need help in removing this site from my computer
Cancelling: I wish to cancel health unlocked but... - Ataxia UK
Although I'm not really a member (no official diagnose and I'm not in the UK), I hope you don't cancel your account. I just started reading this website, and it has genuine people and a lot of information. So hopefully you stay on.
Mathew 45
Hi! Why not just delete it and then if you are still a 'member' you can choose what you may want to read and there are so many helpful comments
Perhaps you are feeling much better health wise which is really good news. Why not share your experience, it may help us all
Good luck. Ted
Thanks Ted! I would if I knew how to delete,can't find the way,any ideas ?
I joined to find out about my diagnosis concerning SPG7 but only get replies unconnected to my problem so don't want to read unrelated items nor carry all the replies to fill up my I pad.....I don't wish to appear rude,It's just no good for me
Not 100% sure, if you click onto your username, press account settings and then scroll down, there is a delete button.
Thank you Daisy,I'll try!