Hi I recently had a cerebellum stroke and have been left with Ataxia amongst other things.
Intro: Hi I recently had a cerebellum stroke and... - Ataxia UK
Hi Darren sorry to hear you have suffered a cerebellum stroke and you have acquired ataxia.My name is Margaret or Maggs and I had a brain tumor over 20 years ago I am 47 years now,mine is also an acquired ataxia.I have a weakness down my right hand side and have facial paralysis.When I was first diagnosed with ataxia i didn't have a clue what it was ,my GP didn't help much as they had never treated it before unlike inherited ataxia acquired ataxia is not as debilitating. I walk with out a stick or aid but saying that i am very unsteady at times and fall often but i get up dust my self of and carry on.This site is very helpful and fellow ataxians are better than any neurologists or GP's. Wishing you all the best maggs.
Hi Maggs good to hear from you. Nobody told me I had ataxia I just worked it out for myself through research after my stroke. My understanding is that the damage from my stroke has given me many ataxia symptoms none of which I have received any real help with. My biggest issue is that I have no real balance and can only walk with severe concentration which makes me exhausted after a few metres. I had dizziness and sickness as well but this seems to be not as severe now. I use an electric scooter so I can continue with life. All the best and keep in touch
Hi again Darren I know another person who uses this site also has ataxia brought on by a stroke I myself am quite new to this site so Im not sure how you go about getting in touch with them. Do you know their is a helpline available if you need advice on ataxia and a magazine with loads of articles and advice on ataxia. There are also some support groups people with ataxia have set up in different areas but my nearest branch is about 80 odd mile so I dont really know anyone with ataxia other than those I meet on this site. i know its a bummer having ataxia but you have to try and make the most of what youve got.
Hi have SCA7 and i recommened loweffectlaser to help heal your stroke. And that affects your Ataxia. I have used it and it helps me a lot.
Good luck:)'