I have read lots about the balancewear vests and it sounds as if they might be available in Denmark now. Has anybody heard anything or would it still mean a trip to America?.
Balancewear: I have read lots about the... - Ataxia UK

Hi Brommie😊
This product is available from motiontheraputics.com
According to their website, as of Nov 2013 the balance wear vest was available in the U.S. and they hoped soon to expand into Europe.
You could send them an email😊xB
Thanks, I might do that, I'm still waiting for that miracle. Xx
Hi Brommie
the miracle is within your grasp. External aids are useful particularly when they retrain your brain and body to deal with the issues caused by ataxia. Don't wait for a miracle, use the miracle of your body's own inate healing to make a difference now.
I've had a quick look at the site Beryl suggested, having added in the missing ' e' first! One thijg which has helped me and is available in the uk and just about everywhere is arch supports. This is not to support any foot problems but to keep my legs in the right position and enable my hips to work better. They are available widely online for as little as £6.00 or so.
I also bought some cheap trekking poles to help me lengthen and widen my gait. I now walk without them unless going cross country, as when I start to wobble it reminds me to lengthen, widen and slow my gait. I can keep up with most people, except I notice young people in a hurry!

Apologies for spelling mistake but you got the gist😊xB
I have been a BalanceWear user for about 3 years. I received my vest through my Physical Therapist who has MS. He says that some days he is fine, and some days he cannot walk without it. I believe him. He detected my lack of balance when I was working with him for a back issue. I didn't have to wear it many days before the balance issues pretty much corrected themselves. But he used me as a demonstration for a seminar and several therapists who were learning about the vest. They could tell the difference in my balance with the vest and without it. But I stopped wearing it as I didn't feel I needed it.
Skip forward to November 2015. In February I had an incident which left me barely able to walk. After much physical therapy, acupuncture and lots of poking and prodding, I finally began Vestibular therapy. I brought my vest to the second session because I wanted to discuss it with my therapist. Near the end of the session, I put on the vest and I was amazed at the balance that was immediately restored. I would not have predicted it.
Now I am wearing it every day and my balance is improving slightly, but the carryover is much less than I experienced in the prior experience. But, I am much more balanced with the vest than without, and much less prone to topple over.
By the way, much of the movement in my feet trying to maintain balance is gone. I can stand steady with my two feet placed together, which I could not do until immediately after I put on the vest a few days ago.
Best of luck in obtaining one of these... at about a thousand USD for one of these and a round trip plane flight, it will not be inexpensive and it may not work for you. On the other hand, if it works, it works, and you will not want to give the vest away.