I have just been diagnosed with ataxia. My life revolved around competitive sport. I have difficulty in balance and co-ordination and fatigue. Been sent for second opinion. So glad to be in touch with similar suffered.
Newly diagnosed ataxia as yet unknown origin. - Ataxia UK
Newly diagnosed ataxia as yet unknown origin.

Welcome! I have found so much information and supportive people here. I hope you can find some help here with how you can carry on still enjoying sport. How did your doc come to your diagnosis?
Hi pec2884
Welcome to the ataxia club. You will find lots of useful help from 'members' but do get in touch with Ataxia U.K. and they will send you all the info on Ataxia
As far as your interest in sport is concerned I feel sure that you will be able to continue with certain sports
Good luck & best wishes. Ted
its important to keep as active as you can for as long as possible. I know some people invest in a personal trainer but any physio or exercise guru will help. I used to enjoy long walks as a tour guide and I really miss it but I bought a treadmill but it is a bit miserable being on your own so I have joined a disabled gym and also go to exercise classes.I did latin American dancing as well but in the last year I have become more disabled and will be getting a wheelchair soon. just keep cheerful and do the things you enjoy for as long as possible. the worst thing I find is the silly things people say- an old friend came to stay for a while and she was shocked how little I can do nowadays but I am still the same person I have always been. I can cope but they find it hard to cope with the new me. so good luck and keep cheerful- there are worse things you could have. love and keep smiling!!