Dear all
Please read below an email from NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence)...
Best Wishes
Dear Colleague,
Short-term interventions for regaining independence – recruitment of service user and carer members
We are currently seeking applications for a service user and carer members to join the committee developing guidance on this topic. The deadline is next Monday 8 June at 9am and we have received very few applications, hence why I am writing to you again in case you are able to help us circulate this opportunity with your networks. Would you be able to tweet the link or post it on Facebook?
The service user and carer members of this committee will play a key role in making sure that the views, experiences and interests of the public, especially vulnerable community groups, are included in the development of this guidance. Our service user and carer members are paid £150 per meeting and we cover travel and other expenses. For more information please follow this link -
We would welcome an application from those who have recent experience or knowledge of Short-term interventions (under 6 weeks) for regaining independence (intermediate care and reablement). The key focus of the guideline will be on the interventions and activities that support people and their carers to improve their independence, from assessing their needs to supporting them to learn skills and build confidence. These activities can be delivered, for instance, within people’s own homes, extra care housing, and residential homes, amongst other settings. Please note that the guideline will only cover those who are over 18 years old identified as having lost, or being at risk of losing their independence and their carers.
Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any queries about this or any other aspect of NICE’s work.
Best wishes
Alix Johnson
Alix Johnson
Public Involvement Adviser
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
10 Spring Gardens London SW1A 2BU United Kingdom
Tel: 020 7045 2059 Fax: 020 7061 9833