Has anyone managed to improve their walking and ... - Ataxia UK

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Has anyone managed to improve their walking and balance after being diagnosed with ataxia with treatment from a physiotherapist.

jaffa12 profile image
11 Replies
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jaffa12 profile image
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11 Replies
wobblybee profile image


I've had exercises from Neurotherapist which were quite useful, and I'm

currently seeing Vestibular therapist, she has been able to help the most.

I was referred by my GP. :) xB

Willowpuss profile image

Hi Jaffe 12

It is a continual battle to maintain my mobility (over 20years now),Physiotherapy always improves things for me,when I have a series of falls I lose confidence,which makes things worse of course (at this point my GP gives me a referral for a 6 week Physiotherapy course).

The most beneficial exercises I find are those done while wearing Ankle Weights.

Best Wishes.

adnyl profile image


My Neurology physio gave me loads of hints including trying to stand with my feet apart the distance of my hips when working in the kitchen. Walk and do exercises as much as possible, but also I have been using 'positive thought' therapy and that seems to be helping me. Thats something I was taught when I studied oncology.

Now I'm not sure, of course, if any of this is resulting in my better mobility, but all the time it's working I say don't knock it!


xray25 profile image


I have just had physio again although she was very good I still cannot walk, I am using crutches but can still only walk about 20 yards like the others it only lasts so long, I still stumble and fall, all the best xray25

Phsyio and all kinds of exercises have helped, but don't last long in the long run.

I do follow the correct way to stand when in the kitchen etc....

My rollator is a massive help as is my zimmer-frame. I rarely use my walking stick now for fear of falling.

And of course I have my pig-headed-stubborness attitude of never letting it get the better of me.

:-) :-) :-) ;-)

modern1 profile image

hi,jaffa i walk with a wider gait and a stick which helps

february profile image

Dear Jaffa, As I live in the States, physio is called physical therapy here, but I think it's basically the same. I have done physical therapy several times over the years, and find it helpful. I've continued to do the exercises suggested by my pt at home in between. As most others have already said, just keeping as active as possible (safely, of course) is key to this ataxia thing, I think. As I've fallen several times over the years, hurting myself a few times (not my idea of a good time...,ha!), I try to exercise for strength and balance, as for me that's priceless! My neurologist told me there have been successful studies in rodents, where their brains make new neural pathways, from doing exercises over and over again. The key is to keep challenging yourself. For instance, I stand at the ledge between my kitchen and family room and without holding on, I stand on one foot for as many seconds as I can, than the other. I keep trying to up the seconds, hence the challenging myself part. The counter acts as my emergency grab on, in case I lose my balance. I'm up to 20 seconds now, having been only able to do 5 when I started a couple years ago...,yay! My neurologist says to do various exercises for an hour each day. I try, but have to take breaks in between as I get tired. If you don't use it, you lose it, at least for me! As I've gotten older (I'm 60 years young), I've lost muscle mass, so it's important to keep as much of that as possible, especially with ataxia! I also agree with Adnyl, 'positive thought' therapy is very helpful for me also! Sorry to go on and on, just trying to be helpful..., ;o)

PeteW profile image


xray25 profile image

Hi Jaffa

my physio said try to keep or core strong I no longer have her but try to do 30 mins of the exercise's she gave me

only last about 20 but do about 4 different ones some to 10 some to 20 depending how tired I am.

wibblywobbly profile image

I live in france so system is slightly different. I see a physio therapist twice per week. We work on strength, balance and de-contracting my muscles, and massage. I find this makes an enormous difference to me. The passive stretching greatly reduces my pain levels. I think without these excercises I would be in a much worse state. Def go for it is my advice

jurgen profile image

Most disorders that result in ataxia cause cells in the part of the brain

called the cerebellum to degenerate,

Quite unfortunate, really-what´s gone is gone !!!!

As physical therapy can strengthen muscles it´s VERY important,

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