Is it available in the UK and has anyone on this forum had it ? This seems to me better than a catheter or botox but I never heard about it till reading this and looking it up on google.
On an American forum I read about a ‘Distal Uret... - Ataxia UK
On an American forum I read about a ‘Distal Urethral Polypropylene Sling’ for female urinary incontinence.

Hi klazien
I have never heard of this but would advise speaking to your GP about this who would hopefully refer you to the local continence team.
See a urologist as they advise you of options. I live in the US and had TVT surgery last year for urinary incontinence. I'm 85% better now. I don't know what a Urethra Polypropylene Sling is. My best to you..., ;o)

Hello Klazien
I have never heard of the procedure. I suffer from bladder retention and nothing will cure it, mores the pity. I am waiting an appointment to have an operation to fit a super pubic catheter. During my many hours at the hospital speaking to specialists about problems not once was your procedure mentioned. Talking to your GP is good advice. Bladder and bowel problems are really hard to cope with.
Take care
When I was in hospital in the uk having my tubes done about 10 years ago there were several women in for day surgery having bladders taped up.It sounds a bit like the procedure you describe.Ask your gp to refer you to a urologist.Sometimes you just get exercisesbut a specialist should be able to advise you of the options.It is a common problem with us women but having Ataxia as well doesn't help.I was going to suggest this procedure if the exercises don't work .I get stuck after the first day and we are supposed to do 6 weeks of exercises first
Thank you for your answers. I saw an urologist some time ago and was given Toviaz tablets. It makes the situation a little bit better but it is gradually getting worse again. I was told at the time that the only other treatment would be botox. That seems horrible to me and it would have to be administered again and again. My problem started after the ataxia began and sofar I am enduring the condition and will continue to do so till it becomes too much. Since no-one here has heard of this ‘sling’ it might not be very successful or is just not available here in the UK, so I’ll see what can be done in the future. Besides botox, that is.
Hi Klazian so sorry to hear of your difficulty in dealing with problem. Would you mind telling me which form of Ataxia you have? (Just need to say if it's Friedrich's or not!) Best of luck. Don't give up on asking for more diagnosis/treatment/help. My experience is that if you don't persist in asking - you don't get. x