Asthma advice : Hi, I had coronavirus... - Asthma Community ...

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Asthma advice

19 Replies


I had coronavirus mid October and its exasperated my asthma. I'd never really struggled with my asthma pre-covid. I was fit and well walking 15000 steps a day and exercising 5 times a week. I've had my asthma inhaler changed to fostair 100. I just want some general advice really. I still have back pain / chest tightness, ruttle when I breathe and my peak flow hasn't gone up. Could I need to have my inhaler increased? Its so frustrating I did some light stretch exercise today and it was recorded as sport by my fitness tracker as my heart rate is really irratic. I miss pre-covid workouts etc

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19 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

It might be worth calling the Asthma UK nurses for some advice as I expect they've spoken to lots of people in your situation. It could be your asthma or it could be post-viral stuff still which can linger and then mimic asthma symptoms. But their experience in talking to people who are in your situation might help to unpick things. Their helpline is 0300 2225800 M-F 9-5. Actually they have a post covid hub too which is 0300 2225942 .

It must be very frustrating to be be ready to be back to normal and not actually be able to do it!

Edited to add: this post explains some of the things that can mimic asthma - I'm not saying your symptoms are anxiety but the post looks at the way different things respond to asthma medication too - so some of it might be relevant to post viral issues too. In case it helps...and ignore if it doesn't!

in reply to twinkly29

Thank you! Ive been for an asthma review due to the exasperation of my asthma/ covid and had my inhaler did seem to be really working but the last couple of days I feel like I've gone backwards! It is very frustrating have been so fit and well to now having the post viral thing...ive got my breathing/ chest stuff and joint pain...I walk 30 minutes and I'm in pain! I need to remember it's a marathon not a sprint

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to

I often think it's harder for people who were previously very fit. I'm sure you will get back to it....but arghhhh in the meantime!

A new inhaler can take 8 weeks to become fully effective too so maybe it's still building up?

in reply to twinkly29

It is I was really active and fit so it just difficult really. I've got to arrange a follow up chat with the asthma nurse in a week or so to go over my symptoms and see if things need to change.

Poobah profile image

My sister had covid and suffered long term shortness of breath, and she's not asthmatic. It's a common symptom of covid and non-asthmatics aren't being treated with inhalers or steroids. She contracted the virus in March and is still SOB on some days; she was back in hospital for 3 weeks in September as the SOB had got so bad. My niece also contracted covid and her only symptom was SOB which really hampered her fitness regime for about 3 months. This is the current advice from Asthma UK.

in reply to Poobah

Its a tricky one as some symptoms overlap... I've seen the advice and been in touch with asthma UK about my asthma / coronavirus as well as my asthma nurse. My peak flow has dropped so I needed to get things changed shortness of breath has improve its the tightness in chest and pain in my back...its remembering its a marathon not a sprint and its going to take time.

Poobah profile image
Poobah in reply to

I think that's the issue with covid, in that we just don't yet know how long we can expect symptoms to go on because it's a novel virus. I know my sister had scans to check her lung and heart to rule out damage. Her results were clear and yet she still had SOB. We read about relatively young and fit patients taking months to recover as they struggle with breathing and any exercise such as walking, let alone gym and running.

You've definitely done the right things so far and getting on top of your asthma plan will address any asthma related symptoms.

I occasionally get back pain when my asthma flares so use a hand held massager (see link) and it's great at relaxing all the knots that form when breathing has been difficult for a period of time. It's not cheap, but it's been a really good investment in my opinion.

Here's to a full recovery and hopefully it won't be too much longer before you're back to your old self. All the best.

in reply to Poobah

Thank you! Yes totally agree with all you have said...I dont know if my asthma flare up is covid or asthma but the joint pain is totally covid! Ooh ill have a look at the back massager! Its a long hard road! I try and remember I can now walk short distances and do little bits of the worst point of covid I had to sit down to go down stairs with how weak I felt and it felt like an elephant was sat on my chest crushing me! Im off work (education via an agency) and I've said I was hoping to go back i Jan but I'm not sure...not that they reply to my email update i feel like they think I'm making it up!

MissCS profile image

Hello Amyjhill, l am in the same predicament. I had Covid mid October as well. Hospitalized for 2 weeks with oxygen. Am home now, and l am even worse off. It has exacerbated my asthma. I am breathless at the little things l do, it just knocks me down. I have chest pains. I have stomach cramps. It's crazy. I was prescribed prednisolone few days ago but l am even contemplating on not finishing the course. I have hot flashes. It's crazy.

in reply to MissCS

So sorry to hear you've been so unwell its rubbish isnt it?! I've got to check in with my asthma nurse again to go over symptoms etc and to see if I need my inhaler changing again...I've been off work since October (education) I work for an agency and I keep them updated but they've stopped responding to my emails! I feel like I'm shouting into a void! I did say I hope that I'd be fit for work come January but I really don't know! Its not just my asthma its the joint pain too

MissCS profile image
MissCS in reply to

Hello, l work in a school as well and also been off since half term. It is frustrating because they think we are only supposed to isolate for 2 weeks, but no...l am still sick, l can't work. Hopefully we get better soon 😥

in reply to MissCS

I'm pretty sure I contracted the virus at school! Totally its as if you miraculously make a full recovery after 2 weeks! Some do and some dont and I think there's a massive lack of awareness / understanding around that! I find it quite rude that the agency have stopped replying ...If I need to email them again I might just say I'll be in touch when I'm well! They've not even been in touch about the holiday pay and I'm not getting any s.s.p so have had to apply for universal credit! Fingers crossed we get back to pre-covid health 🙏

MissCS profile image
MissCS in reply to

I contracted my Covid at school, l have no doubt about that. They don't care. Nobody has even emailed me to ask how l am feeling. I also have called Universal credit as l don't know what the future holds...don't know when l will return to work. I just want to get back to my normal life. I will call the surgery tomorrow to ask about the steroids. It's frustrating 😥. Thank you all. Really nice to be a part of this group.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to MissCS

It could be more post viral symptoms than your asthma - both can be similar but many non asthmatics are getting the same symptoms as you at that stage. Have you spoken to the Asthma UK nurses at all? They have a post covid hub as well as their usual helpline and might be able to help with untangling symptoms and/or suggestions. Stopping the steroids isn't a good idea really if it is or might be asthma related - hot flushes aren't fun but potentially dangerous asthma problems are probably worse.

But definitely stay off work - it's hard when yes the guidance says 14 days or whatever it is now but that is only if people are fit for work afterwards. If you're not then the GP signing you off will have to be accepted by work. I hope you start to improve soon - a friend was in a similar position to you last week and she is loads better now - not totally better but much more so than a week ago. She is also a teacher and decided staying off was the only option.

MissCS profile image
MissCS in reply to twinkly29

Thank you twinkly 29. I will phone the surgery to ask about the steroids as it's making me feeling hot.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to MissCS

It's a very common side effect of steroids - a fan or open window might help with that.

MissCS profile image
MissCS in reply to twinkly29



I've been in touch with asthma UK via WhatsApp for advice and guidance...I know the symptoms overlap and its tricky as I know the joint pain is definitely covid but the issues with my chest could be either. I just think there's no point trying to go back to work until I'm up to full health. I'll have a look at the asthma uk post covid hub.


Sunfloweronline profile image

I’m so impressed with all the exercise routine you had pre Covid19 and I just want to send you best wishes for getting back to fitness 😊

Lots of replies to offer advice, 🎄🎅🏻

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