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Thank you to members who responded to my question About prednisolone

Enchilada profile image
20 Replies

Hi everybody, as above thank you and sorry for not responding sooner. Second holiday in a row end up in emergency care, struggling to get my breath and really scared. So what I thought would be a quick fix on a nebuliser to get me breathing again has turned into a two night stay, that’s the US for your possibly! I have gone from a doctor saying it is likely a heart problem, tests show it isn’t, to being labelled as COPD, which I only overheard when nurses were doing a handover. Waiting for doctor to do his round and have a list of questions. I am so confused over diagnosis of asthma a few weeks ago and the fact that I have only felt really unwell since then, and the inhalers seem to make me cough more until I throw up and don’t seem to relieve my breathing. My blood pressure is going through the roof, not surprising, due to get out but now they are looking at that and thinking maybe not! Thanks for listening everybody, wishing you all well.

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Enchilada profile image
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20 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

Hope you get some answers soon x

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to twinkly29

Thank you twinkly29, appreciate it.

hilary39 profile image

So hoping you find clarity soon!! Take it easy!

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to hilary39

Thanks hilary39, now back in my hotel room after being discharged late afternoon. Didn’t realise how scared I would feel now and trying to decide what to do next. The thought of a 10 hour flight home is not appealing. Thanks for the support and I will definitely aim to take it easy!

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Enchilada

I can imagine!! I have flown in some rough circumstances in the past year. Back home from Russia after a severe asthma attack; from Croatia to the states with a dislocated shoulder. Just take it easy, make sure you keep your inhalers and all meds in your carry on, and don't hesitate to let a flight attendant know if you feel at all unwell. Hopefully the flight will go by quickly and you can get home to your comfortable home and rest. Take good care!

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to hilary39

Thanks Hilary39, 530 in the morning here and trying to keep calm. Lots of new meds from hospital for high blood pressure etc and a new inhaler also. Will keep you posted if that’s OK?

hilary39 profile image
hilary39 in reply to Enchilada

Of course, I know how scary it is to go through these things--even when you're surrounded by loved ones and doctors you still feel alone!

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to hilary39

My husband is asleep beside me and trying to let him get his rest, no point in him being exhausted too. He has had a lot to deal with over the last few days too, and thankfully he is very supportive so I am not alone but it is good to chat with someone who has been in a similar position. Thank you!

twinkly29 profile image

Hope things feel less scary once it's properly daytime. When is your flight home?

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to twinkly29

Not until Saturday and it is six hours away as we should have moved States on Thursday instead of being in hospital. We talked about trying to get it changed but am really scared of flying too soon as not sure how all the new meds are going to work. Do they always have oxygen on long haul flights for example. Also not sure what to do when I do get home as I have struggled with my GP practice for the last 2/3 months. No point is saying now that I really shouldn’t have come on this holiday!!

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to Enchilada

Oxygen wise presumably yes because they have the masks that drop down.

If you need to, you can use 10 puffs of your blue inhaler at a time which (allegedly) is the same as a neb. But definitely talk to the air crew. Even sharing your fears will help you feel calmer. I spoke to the crew in the summer about using my handheld neb on board (so they'd know what I was doing when I did) and they were lovely. And appreciated the heads-up.

At home, if you need help and can't see GP, or it's more urgent, go to a&e or ring 999. Xx

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to twinkly29

Thank you, we tried to get an earlier flight home but no luck. Although when we tried the guy did say to my husband was I fit to fly, can’t stay forever but probably not a bad thing to be here for a few extra days to make sure I am ok. I am thinking of going to a nearby walk in centre just to get them to check my blood pressure etc, for a bit of reassurance, never used to worry too much about my health but I am definitely making up for it now. I have had so little sleep the last four nights I think I am totally stressed out, doesn’t help the BP! Hope all is well with you and thanks once again, it really is appreciated.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Sorry to know you're having such a difficult time. I don't know what inhalers you have but it could be they don't suit you. Some just don't work for some people, some inhalers make things a whole lot worse. Trying to find one that works for you is not necessarily quick or easy unless you get lucky. I really hope things start to improve for you soon and you feel well enough to fly. 🤞

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Thank you! Yes I have a new inhaler too but it certainly puts you off them when they just seem to make you worse rather than better. I will have to see how it works and when I get home go back and try to get more help from my GP Practice, all very new to me still and you end up losing faith. Without this site and the asthma helpline things could be a lot worse. Thanks again for the support.

Blue-Breeze profile image

Sorry to read you ended up in hospital. Easier said than done but try not to worry this will cause you more stress. For me I put things in place.

Are my meds close to hand.

Have my headphones and music to decrease stress.

Don't look at the time. Clock watching makes to go slower.

You're on long haul watch a film/s.

Be comfortable

Drink plenty water.

I recently did USA and needed my rescue pack. Thankfully for me the preds kicked in.

For you..Tell the crew you're unwell (been in hospital)

All the best and safe travel.

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to Blue-Breeze

Thank you for the flight home tips, yes you are right stress definitely makes things worse. I now have four nights at our new destination before the trip so will try to relax! Best wishes

Ascension profile image

Hello to everyone here. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with COPD and the was told by specialist that I had a double whammy of Asthma as well. I was on all sorts of puffers & I just got worse. This year I am so much better, all I have from Big Pharma is Spiolto Respimat 2.5mco-2.5mca/d, 2 puffs each morning and then I decided to take liquid Echanacea, I take 12-15 drops 2- 3 times a day. Since taking this combination I can't tell you how much better I am feeling. I haven't been to hospital since Jan this year. I know the Liquid Echanacea has helped me so much. I keep my blood pressure down by deep breathing exercises, I totally recommend this for everyone. Initially I couldn't deep breath until I started my drops of E. I hope this information helps you as it has for me. Blessings to you, Robby from Australia xoxo

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to Ascension

Thanks for the advice Robby. I have always been a believer in echinacea so will definitely try it. Yes and have also been trying deep breathing on an app, which was useful on the flight out, will keep trying to improve my technique!

All the best, Kate

Owls1366 profile image

Hello I also have copd and asthma since 2005 I was on 10 different meds .but now on 6 but still get very breathless when walking or moving I was in hospital a week ago has I had asthma attack. hope that your feeling better

Enchilada profile image
Enchilada in reply to Owls1366

Thank you, survived our journey to our new destination, only four days late! My husband did the 300 miles of driving, we normally share but I didn’t feel up to it. Hopefully four nights of relaxation before the flight home. It is all very frustrating when used to be so active, I am sure you feel the same. All the best.

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