Just a fun post (again with contributions from Js706, Lysistrata and KatieJ28). Between us we have animals which describe our symptoms/how we’re feeling. Some of our ‘pets’ are named, others are not... if you have any to add to the zoo please tell!! Or if you use any other way to describe your symptoms please say!!! Here is our list (so far) of the animals of asthma!
🐍 Steve the snake - a description of chest tightness... can be mixed up with just a general description of how ‘asthmatic’ you’re feeling (ie Steve was particularly busy last night)
🐘 Nelly the Elephant - she sits on you and causes the really restrictive chest tightness you get in silent chest
Ostrich (we have named them individually 😉) - the state of denial when you won’t admit to how bad you’re feeling
🦛 Hippos - consultants... can look/sound nice but be deadly (to Steve if they are good... to us if they are not!)
🧛🏻♂️ Vampires - phlebotomists... a common one I feel 😅
🐕 Dogs - the barking cough a lot of asthmatics have
🐎 Horses - the ‘normal’ more mild asthmatic usually under GP care
🦓 Zebras - the more severe, slightly weird asthmatics usually under their local consultant
🦄 Unicorns - the Uber weird asthmatics, or really severe ones, usually under specialist hospitals (they either don’t have ‘normal’ asthma symptoms or they don’t respond normal to drugs etc)
Sloths - the post attack fatigue that can linger for ages
🐉 Dragons - for excessive mucus production
Hummingbirds - the jitters feeling when your ‘high’ on asthma drugs (pred/hydro/nebs/salb/amino etc 😉)
Bulls - aggressive pred head
Simon the Slug - headache’s/migraines... not technically asthma but a common side effect of the drugs!