Dr's app update: My daughter's Dr app... - Asthma Community ...

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Dr's app update

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My daughter's Dr app was earlier today and it was fab. I'm so glad I booked her in. She has been on an even keel since the end Dec/Start of Jan but I have kept her on the 4 puffs morn/night of her Flixotide (despite my mush brain thinking she was on clenil - oops)

I dropped her down last week to 3 puffs morn/night as she has been fine. I phoned the helpline last week and spoke to a lovely nurse who gave me a lot of time, advice and support/reassurance. She suggested I asked my Dr about keeping the dosage of Flixotide higher as she felt it sounded like the stepping up was gaining control of the symtpoms, and stepping down was losing control.

I was thinking she was getting cold after cold after cold. Where the nurse said it sounded more like something was irritating her airways, causing an episode, we would increase inhaler, which would gain control, we thought she was ""better"" so we would step down her dose (as per advice of our doc last winter) causing her to lose control again.... The helpline is amazing!

Our doc said since she has been well since xmas, to try reducing her to 2 puffs morn/night, if she copes with it then to use 2 puffs as her minimum dose. He said to increase to max dose if she has as much as a sniffle or cough so we can try to keep on top of the symptoms before they kick off, and not to wait until it's ""too late"". The whole step up/step down thing still bothers me, but I feel a bit more in control and knowing what to do. If the cycles continue I've to take her back and they will trial a different inhaler or put her on flixotide 100 (she's on 50).

If we get shoddy treatment at out of hours again I've to book her in with him the following day as he was appalled at our treatment (or lack of!!!) on 18 & 19 December when I told him the doc we saw took her temp and told me to take her home to bed *rolls eyes*

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Glad to hear that you got the info you need and feel more in control of the situation. Another gold star for the AUK helpline ;-)

Stay safe

Rose xx

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