Messages for EmilyH: I am hoping to go... - Asthma Community ...

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Messages for EmilyH

52 Replies

I am hoping to go and see our potty/dotty/mad (delete as applicable) friend aka EmilyH as soon as they will let me through the door I have moved my tent to hospital car park in readiness! To save me hours of trawling though the 600 odd messages on camping perhaps people would be kind enough to put a message here for her.


52 Replies

Come on our Emily H - we need our potty Dr friend and we miss ya loads !!

Get well soon hun and keep fighting !!

Luv !!

Donna aka Wheezer !!


We have been rooting for you since you went in. Keep fighting, keep smiling, we're always thinking of you and sending our love and support.

From one dotty doc to another,

Cathy and Steve.


dear em,

havent posted here for ages but had to add my message herefor you. my family and i have been thinkingof you and alex each day and prayingfor you. em, please keep getting better i know yuo can do it and will get over this. keep fighting.




dear Emily

Get well very very soon hun !!! We all miss you.

Sending you all the get well wishes i can get my hands on over here in germany and send them to you by air.

big hugs to you

L. Kaz xxxx

Em, honey, I've been thinking about you so much over the past weeks when you've been so very poorly. I've been praying lots for you and for Alex, desperately wanting you to get through this. I am so very, very pleased that you seem to have turned the corner now, and am looking forward to you getting back to AUK when you can, but be sure to take all the time you need to get your strength back.

Alex, I've been holding you in my thoughts and prayers too. I know how terrible it is to have someone you love so much be so horribly ill - it's heartbreaking - so I pray that you've got through the stress and are able to lean on friends and family for support.

Lots of love to both of you. Take care and get well very soon.


Dear Em and Alex, Have been thinking about you both every day and I can't tell you how happy I am that you are finally on the right path to getting well. You both have got an incredible strength to get through the last few weeks.

Em, you have been so missed and i'm really looking forward to the day you are well enough to post on Auk. Keep fighting Em, you can do this!!

Julie xx

sending lots of hugss n get well wishes ur way thought i would do u a little poem..hope u like em..

Theres always light at the end of the tunnel

A Glimmer of sweet hope deep down right within

Theres always sunshine warming our every soul

and of course recovery getting well as the goal

thoughts that also ever tell, every 1 wishes u to get well

Miss you so much Em and miss our late night waffles on msn, I think I'm having withdrawls. You have never been far from my mind sweetie but then you never are anyway. Hang in there and please come home soon!

Tks xxx

KateMoss profile image

Hello Em,

Sending you lots of get well Hugs ... and a few Penguins too!

Still Praying for you and also Alex too!

Love & Hugs



Get well soon Em we need your sanity on here you are desperatly missed.

sending loads of get well soon vibes along with plenty of prayers and thoughts.

get well soon

katharine x

Continuous Friendship

If I could catch a rainbow

I would do it Just for you

And share with you Its beauty

On the days You're feeling blue

If I could build a mountain

You could call Your very own

A place to find serenity

A place to be alone

If I could Take your troubles

I would toss them In the sea

But all these things I'm finding

Are impossible for me

I cannot build a mountain

Or catch a rainbow fair

But let me be What I know best

A friend That's always there

Miss you Em

Love and prayers

Andrea xxxxx

Em, you and Alex have been in my thoughts and prayers each day. Em, I have missed you so much, always so kind ,so helpful and understanding to others before yourself. Keep on fighting to recovery knowing we are with you every step of the way.

Love and hugs

Caroline x

Hi Emily,

so glad things are heading in the right direction.

think you might be needing more than a shovel for tunnel digging this time, but we'll get the JCB warmed up ready to come to the rescue.

get well soon, you're being missed!



yaf_user681_25830 profile image

I haven't been on here long Emily, but was gutted to hear about how ill you have been. I have been checking ""camping"" every day for news on your progress. I am so glad for you that you are now turning the corner. Please try to be gentle with yourself as you recover, don't push yourself too hard...Look forward to seeing you back on here when you are ready - it is clear that you are a much loved and respected member of this group.

Thinking of you,




hi EM,

sending big hugs and get well wishes,

glad your doing better.

love and hugs

mel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I have a couple of spoons for digging, if they're of any help?


Alex - thinking of you also, sending strength and best wishes. Take care of yourself as well. Hugs for you and Em (again!)

Cathy (& Steve)


Shades profile image

hi emh

glad to hear you're improving well, hope the weaning of the vent goes okay, keep strong



ps. hugs to alex and the rest of your family

emh and alex

feel free to ask for help with the escape process when you feel ready we are all ready and willing to give a hand with the escape tunnell.

take care both of you

katharine x

Emily, thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs. Your such a fighter and were all here fighting with you. You and your family are in my thoughts. nutty

Hi Emily,

Sending many hugs and prayers for both you and Alex. I hope you are on the mend, and look forward to seeing you back on camping as soon as you are well enough.

Glad things are moving in the right direction. Just don't start digging too hard too soon! Willing to help when you are ready to dig though.

Praying for you both often


Em H,

I have been thinking of you while you have been so poorly. Keep fighting and when you're ready I've got spoons handy like the others to help you dig your escape tunnel.

You have been missed so much round here and we can't wait to have to back.

Beth and Sandie (who sends wags and licks)

Emily and Alex you have no idea how much i have been thinking about you and missing you! I hope you are now on the road to recovery and will continue to slowlypick up. I have missed you so much hun!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to have you back among us so we can chat etc!!!!!!! Please both of you take care

Lots of love and hugs



It's always so hard to put into words what you are thinking i'll try to write a little something!

I have been thinking about you as always but non stop since the beginning of february. I really miss you and it's nearly time to celebrate our birthdays!! Your cheerfulness and helpfullness have been missed by all on here including me. You are such an inspiring person and i miss our 'chats' on msn and emails. Keep fighting...i knew you'd never give up. Keep smiling. Anything you need just shout! Lots of love xxxxx


I can't imagine what you have been going through but emily is exceptionally lucky to have you. Thanks so much for keeping us in touch via bex. Look after yourself.

Arniemouse profile image

Em I have been thinking and praying for you lots and for Alex too, Keep fighting there hunny and get well very soon. I am good with cakes with files if needed. Take it easy and don't expect too much.

With lots of love and hugs


yaf_user681_26410 profile image

Thanks Bex for doing this for us all.

Have been thinking of and praying for you both through this really hard time. Glad you are now well enough to hear about what's been happening behind your back. At least you will be when Bex is allowed through the door to pass all these messages on to you. Bex has been wonderful at keeping us updated.

Love Ange xx


Such wonderul news to hear you re off the vent, we are all willing you along the road to recovery.

Lots hugs to both you and Alex

Speedy x

Emily keep up the great fight been thinking about you and your family all the best and keep getting better and stronger don’t rush things take your time to get 100% better

love to you and family

Spider x

bex thanks for doing this keep well yourself x

keep smiling em and condrats on losing the vent but most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U.

more best wishes for a speedy recovery but feel free to take it at your own pace.

love and prayers to you both

katharine x

keep smiling em and condrats on losing the vent but most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U.

more best wishes for a speedy recovery but feel free to take it at your own pace.

love and prayers to you both

katharine x

great news,

happy birthday Em

Great News !!!!!!!!

Keep on fighting like that.


Big hug to you


yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Great to hear you are getting better - however slowly!

Your posts on here have been a great help to me - look forward to loads more!

Happy Birthday.......


What a great birthday present for you Em.

Happy Birthday, I hope you continue to recover quickly.

You've got to come back soon, cos I'm just no replacement for your eloquence and explainations, I'm afraid!

Love and hugs to you both,

Cathy (& Steve)


KateMoss profile image

Happy Birthday Em!

I am so gald you are a bit better for your birthday.

Love, Hugs & special Penguins!



Happy Birthday Emily H. So glad to hear you are recovering. Hope you have been allowed to eat some birthday cake.

Best Wishes

Yvonne XXX


Just wanted to add to all the others - been thinking about you lots, and really glad that things are on the up - keep up the good work!

Take good care of yourself, and hope to see you back on the boards soon!

cal x

Happy Birthday! Hope you got some nice presents!

Its good to hear that you're off the vent, keep fighting!

Beth and Sandie

Happy Birthday Emily.. What better present could you, Alex and your familys have than you recovering and getting rid of vent.

Still thinking of you , sending hugs and best wishes..

Jcb at ready to dig you out when you strong enough!

Julie x

dear em, i know today probably passd by in a blur but just know we were all thinkng of yuo as much as ever. i am so pleased yuo are offthe vent and on your wayto recovery. i know it will seem long andso frustratng at times but just takeit a day at a time. you will get there. happy birthday em... life is precious and i am so gladyou;ve been blessedwith another year. keep fightng.




Hi em

hope you get better soon...have been thinking about you loads...

Nd Happy Birthday!


Emma x

Dear em,

You are in my thoughts, I really hope you get better very soon, and I wish you a very Happy birthday.

Love Lejaya

hi emily

glad to hear you are off the vent at last - you must be shell shocked. All the very best of luck for your continueing recovery and a very happy birthday

from an unside down baba (currently in new zealand!)

So good to hear u are off the vent on your birthday hun - now behave and take care of yourself - we want you well and safe when you come back !!

Lots of love hun !!

Donna aka Wheezer


I am so pleased and relieved that you are slowly on the road to recovery. It has been a long tough time for you and your family and you all have been in my prayers every day.

I know you probably didnt have a great birthday but i hope you can celebrate it a bit more once stronger.

Keep on fighting we miss you on camping.

Alex- you have been in my prayers at such a tough time, my hubby went through a similar experience 10 yrs ago and says no words can describe what you are going through but he did say please talk to someone about it all once Emh is better.

Love hugs and prayer to you both

God Bless.

EmH I am so glad to hear that you are off the vent. I pray that you continue to get stronger.What a relief for Alex and your families. Take Care Nikki xxx

Hey Em, glad to hear you are off the vent and edging towards recovery. Happy birthday indeed!

sending virtual huggles and praying for you often.


Haste ye back EmH!!!!!!!!!

I think I maybe allergic to the sweat band of my new wig, any thoughts EmH - LOL

Take hair,


Em such fantastic news that you're off the vent. Hope ure birthday wasn't too bad being stuck in costa. Keep fighting.

Em xx

hi Emily

Sending my hugs and thoughts to you and hope that you continue to improve and we can see you back on the forum soon,. sharon

Hello EmH,

Lots and lots of love and 'cyber' hugs to you. So glad to hear you are recovering and off the vent.

Happy belated birthday wishes too. Hope you manage to celebrate in style when you get home.



Just popping in to say Hi Em :-)

Still thinking of you loads and hope you are feeling better every day that passes.


Julie x


Becky G is in costa at the minute, but told her your good news about coming off the vent and she asked me to post on her behalf.

She is thinking about you lots and sends hugs to you and Alex

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