Thankyou EmilyH: Hospitalised at the... - Asthma Community ...

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Thankyou EmilyH

23 Replies

Hospitalised at the weekend with a couple of bad attacks after not having had an attack in nearly 20 years.

EmilyH pointed me towards this site and I have spent a couple of days browsing the information.

I would like the thank everyone for the detail and work they have put in here, the information has helped to relieve my ""panic"" and I would advise all New Members to thoroughly read through the site.

Emily I hope you have escaped from ward B3 by now and are feeling much better.

Dave B

23 Replies

Welcome to the site. I hope you find this site all Em cracked it up to be. Pop over to the ""camping"" thread where updates on EmH will be posted.

Em is sadly still in hospital, she did make a brief escape but it did not last. As you will see EmH is a much loved member and now moderator of this site. Most people though don't know her mad as toastness in person if they did they would be aware she has to be one of the most caring, maddest and inspirational people around. Who else in their morphine induced world would have sent me a text reminding me to let her know I got home OK.


Yup, the same person who asked if I was OK in a text when she'd been re-admitted to hospital.

Bonkers and completely lovely.

KateMoss profile image


Mad but Fantastic!!



She also text me to say she might be off her trolley but thought she had just seen the spice girls!

Em Lovely but bonkers like the rest of us GET WELL SOON!

Cathy, I know exactly what you mean. Totally bonkers!


Yes Emily is a caring person, thinking of others first.

My chats with her on Sunday helped me get over my panic, panicking course makes things worse when your in the middle of an attack.

Sorry to hear she is back in hospital and I hope she gets out soon.

I hardly know her, but when I needed some help and advice, she was always there.

I think that she's fantastic, and always on hand with fab replies to every single post!

I didn't know that you were in hospital Emily, I really, really hope that you're feeling better and that you'll soon be out!

Couldn't have said it better!

EmilyH always has the answer to things, most of the time i don't even have to ask because she has already answered whatever I am wondering.

I hope you get out of there soon, and definitely before christmas! GET BETTER SOON!

Hiya Emilyh just want to say thanks for being there for me and reading my pm to you and taking the time out to reply to me. Your a wonderful person who deserves a gold medal for your commitment to those you care about even if you havent seen them face to face ive faced some of my demons thanks to you (chris) and I hope your on the mend soon because you truley are a gardian angel and I bet everyone agrees GET WELL SOON EM xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kendavis359 profile image


You are all right about Emily. As i sit here shaking and gone into a bout of depression after two bad attacks this week. i was going to mail her for advice and how to relax, it seems to have rattled my nerves, but after reading this website it as helped me already i am sad to hear she is not well and what have i got to moan about, i can keep shaking and just take one day at a time. Hope all works out well soon, and the weather picks up for us housebound patients. It gets me out of the shopping. Take care.

EmH has heard about this thread and is touched (I mean in the nice way not the mad one although she is also touched in the mad sense). She has not read it herself and without reading i, was worried that other mods reading might feel a little left out. She asked that I point out that it is not just her but Cathy (Cathbear), Steve (Peaksteve) Nutty (Nutbug) who keep this site running, she just helps where she can. Which is absolutely true and without them we would not have this wonderful site. I know when EmH was so poorly last year I would have gone even more mad without Cathy especially to share my fears with etc. However, I think this thread is a thank you to a very special person who was doing all she could to help people long before anyone stuck a moderator (tin) hat on her head. And I am sure the other moderators recognise it as such.

I hope this reads OK. I have typed it about a dozen times trying to get the wording right. EmH we love you and think you are very special person. Steve, Cathy and Nutty we all know how much you do behind the scenes but EmH is right maybe we don't thank you for your sterling efforts often enough.


with a hurting brain cell from wording this post!

That is very true Bex!

Thank you for pointing it out, and lets all be thankful for EVERYONE that has contributed and helped with problems on this site :)


I hope that Em H gets better soon. I've not been here that long but have had some really good advice from her.

Can't really believe that she's got the energy after a days work to get on here and answer everyone's posts - especially as her answers are usually really detailed and have really bad asthma.

Emily take care of yourself - sending virtual hugs and good thoughts. Hope your feeling better soon.

Claire and Ollie

I'm afraid Emily isn't currently well enough to work, Claire - however I think this just adds weight to the amount of time and energy she spends looking after people on here, when she's really not been well herself.

Get well soon, Em!

yaf_user681_25830 profile image

So sorry to hear EmilyH is not well and in hossy again. She has been absolutely brilliant in terms of my requests for the kind of health-based information that she has experience of. She is clearly very, very committed to helping people on here simply out of the kindness of her own heart.

So thank you EmilyH. Get well soon.

And a great big thank-you to the other mods, without whom this board would not exist, and would definitely not run so smoothly and so efficiently.



Wow. Thank you very very much, everyone, for your incredibly kind words. I love what I do on AUK, it gives me a sense of purpose and of being able to help even though I'm not able to work at the moment, and it's lovely of you all to say such wonderful things. You've no idea how much I have gained and continue to get from this site, and it's only right that I should do my best to give a little back. And, as Bex says (thank you Bex for being my messenger) the site owes a great debt of gratitude to our other mods, CathBear, PeakSteve and Nutbug - as you all know, I've only been a mod for a little while and am still quite wet behind the ears (is tht the correct phrase?) and the other guys are always on hand to answer my queries when I'm not sure of something! They have steered AUK through some very difficult times in the past and all it's strengths are down to them.

I'm still in hospital, on the respiratory ward now, thank goodness, and on the mend I think. Hoping (fingers crossed) to get home for Christmas but am not counting my chickens (turkeys?) just yet. Not feeling too bad, though, and exercise tolerance, neb use and so on hopefully going in the right direction. I am on a little bit of oxycodone for a touch of pleurisy so am a little drugged up right now... (errr, Marmite, I don't *remember* texting you to say I'd seen the Spice girls... but if you say I did, I probably did!).

Dave M B, it was great to meet you and chat last week even if the circumstances were less than congenial! I very much hope you are making a swift recovery and are able to enjoy Christmas - at least home is somewhat quieter than B3, I would imagine! I'm really glad you did decide to find the site - as you say, there is a lot of great information on here and a lot of willing people ready to help and try to answer questions. Do stick around and get to know some of the madcap, genuine and wonderful people on here. Get well soon and look after yourself, won't you.

Well, I'd better go... I have taken gross advantage of knowing the nurses on this ward really well and sneaked onto the ward computer in the doctors' office once the night shift started! Better head back to my bed now before I push my luck too much. I don't know if I'll be able to get online again before I get home (it depends a little which nurses are on!) but hopefully I should be out soon. I'll catch up with PMs and so on once I get out, but it might take a day or two.

Thank you very much again, everyone, for your very kind messages... I am very very touched, it has really given me a much needed boost during a longer-than-anticipated hospital admission.

Take care all, and merry Christmas

Em H xxx

Emily i hope that you are going to get home for christmas and that you continue to improve each day take it easy and do not overdo things at the minute.

KateMoss profile image

Hi Em!

Great to hear from you and that your getting better too!

Take it easy!

Love, Huggs & a sparkly tinselly JCB



WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO im so glad your on the mend em take it easy and i think weve all got everything crossed that your home in time for santas visit god bless Kerry-anne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just echoing Dave M B, this site is a mine of information, well worth checking daily. So glad you're feeling better, Emily. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Christmas!

Hey Emily wishing you a speedy recovery,

i would also like to say a massive thankyou to all the mods on the boards you're all ace!...what would we do without ya?

Happy holidays

Emma x

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

There's a lot of echoing, thanks and love going on. Please add me to the list.

I cannot think of anywhere else where I have seen such support for each other as I see every day on this site. It's wonderful.

Welcome back Emily and Merry Christmas to everyone.


yaf_user681_28534 profile image

Glad you're out now EmH. Just wanted to say a big thankyou to you and all the mods for the time + effort you all put into making AUK such a great site. And merry christmas and happy new year to everyone.

ok sensible moment over, back to bouncing off the ceiling...

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