Is it me or is it the weather? - Asthma Community ...

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Is it me or is it the weather?

4 Replies


I was diagnosed with asthma last year and after some unsettled months we finally discovered that symbicort 200/6 and bricanyl work very well for me.

But.. the last few weeks have been really really dreadful. My peak flow seems ok night and day but as soon as I do anything I'm wheezing like an old horse! I'm now having to have two shots of bricanyl rather than one. I know that many people on this forum are in a much worse condition than me but I'm just worried.

Are other people having problems at this time of year? I developed asthma this time of year last year - does that mean that autumn is just a tricky time for me? it would put my mind at rest if I knew that I'm having a bad few weeks rather than getting worse and worse.

Many thanks

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4 Replies

This time of year is not a good time of year for asthmatics. The weather cannot make its mind up. Coughs and colds are running wild. So it could be that your asthma is bad at this time of year but if you are in doubt i would recommend you go to see your asthma nurse or GP i have learnt recently going to doctor or nurse too much is better than not going as things can deteriote very quickly and you can get into a mess. So if in doubt please go see your nurse or doctor.


There are two times of the yr that particularly affect my asthma one is spring goin in2 summer and the other is now. Usually wen pollens 4 trees are out and weather change unfortunatly used pollen set me off badly this yr sendin me in to the costa del nhs and i hav only managed 5 wks at home. This last time has been 4 days at home but the weather is makin it a little grumpy! I think most asthmatics find this time of yr a bit difficult. Ur not alone! Xx


Its the weather! I think the damp means more fungus spores which I'm allergic to.

The high level of firework activity in London round the 5th does not help either. The years I have been away were much better.

There seems to be a high level of coughs and colds this year too.

That said my asthma does not like high humidity at all. How it knows it is raining when fast asleep with a dehumidifier on I do not know.

Do go to the doctor. Adjusting the Symbicort or a short course of steroids should sort it. Bricanyl only alleviates the symptoms rather than calming your lungs.

Good Luck

its deffo not just you, I am housebound until the cold snap dissapears as if I even set foot outside I will get an attack when its this cold, and its due to get a lot worse... Ive spoken to my GP today and agreed some preventative measure changes to my meds to try and avoid ending up in hospital as I know how bad the sudden cold affects me, with an agreement that im straight on the phone to her again if it deteriates even slightly, might be worth you doing the same?

prevention is better than cure lol, esp with brittle asthma its not often that you get enough warning to be preventative so when I do I grab it with both hands!

Take care snowy

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