Advanced Life Support: I am supposed to... - Asthma Community ...

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Advanced Life Support

8 Replies

I am supposed to do the APLS course for work and have managed to get out of it so far but it keeps being brought to my attention that I still haven't done it. My asthma is still uncontrolled and my peak flow barely goes above 300 on a good day and am concerned that blowing into dummies for 2 days will have serious consequences. I don't want to mention it to my less than understanding ward manager in case it effects my job - any ideas on how I can tackle this as soon I'm just going to have to take my chances and attend! Sorry for the long winded question!


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8 Replies

I think that if your ward manager doesnt understand, explain to the coordinator of the APLS course. They may have options or ways of making it easier on you. Then again, they need to know your asthmatic anyway. Just be careful.


I think that if your ward manager doesnt understand, explain to the coordinator of the APLS course. They may have options or ways of making it easier on you. Then again, they need to know your asthmatic anyway. Just be careful.


When i did mine i explained the the course tutor and i did the cardiac massage of the cycle, your manager should be understanding and in actutes situations there will always be someone onhand to do the airway side as long as your aware of protocols you should be ok?

good luck

Andrea xxx

last timne i did my general resus training which have to do every year was lucky cause used bag and mask which surley u wud use if u needed to do it at work therefore u actually get out of having to use own breathe. Hardest part I found was compresions manged 4 out of 30 b4 atrating with coughing fit which prompted course leader to ask if was asthmatic when said yes told me to sit down and watch. so long as you know what to actually do.

KateMoss profile image


I do FAW requal every three years and Essential care skills every year. I manage it by demonstrating that I caan do a coupple of breaths and perhaps one full cycle of 30 compressions ( you can do just compressionns now as itt takes a bit for the blood to deoxygenate after arrest) I then talk through the rest.

You can explain this and then do urt verbally if that is OK. (This is with St John Ambulance!) Also Bag & Mask can be used but it takes a bit of skill to get the mask to seal propperly! LOL!

The course may have a lot odf theory in it and all the pracctical stuff may not be CPR - some may be using AEDs etc.

I wouldf mention it to your colleagues and it should not affect yourt job if they understand.

Anyway, in an emergency you will be runninng on adrenalin!


Are you doing it for a hosp setting? Basic first aid/any form of first aid in the community will require mouth-mouth, and as everyone has already suggested there are many ways around it. However, if it's hosp based, i noticed ure a paed nurse, it is generally bagging. I did mine recently and had to do one thru mask but rest was bagging.

Good luck!

yaf_user681_26410 profile image


When you do your advanced resus regularly the course trainer gets to know you well. Try and get there early and have a quick chat with her before you start and then she will be able to accomodate you. With the advanced you usually only do bagging and defib anyway so you should be ok - mouth-to-mouth and cardiac massage comes into basic resus. My trainer is really good with me and quickly assesses what she thinks I can cope with each time I go. She also assesses my emotional stability very quickly when it comes to doing paed resus training. Maybe we just have a brilliant trainer in our area - I have come across some that aren't quite so sensitive and understanding. The thought of doing it and panicking over it is probably worse than actually doing it itself. It is important to get your resus training up-to-date otherwise you will panic in a real live situation and more likely to splat then. I have never been more grateful for the resus training I had received than 18 years ago when I needed it in a personal situation!


yaf_user681_34383 profile image

Hi there, I did my APLS recentl also. The only time I did mouth to mouth was for the inital CPR training once that short session is passed bagging is used for the rest on the course. The only thing that made my asthma worse was stress! I also only did moth to mouth on an infant following a discussion with my trainer which was helpful, I couldn't have inflatyed an adults. I hope you enjoy the courseI learnt loads and met some interesting people too.


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