Sleep deprived yet again.: I am in... - Asthma Community ...

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Sleep deprived yet again.

9 Replies

I am in search oof the ZZZZZZ's again.

It is not enough that my lungs rob me of energy throughout the day. No, they don't like me to sleep much either.

What does everybody else do when they can't find enough sheep to count themselves off to the land of nod?

I feel like a flippin zombie.


9 Replies


I usually put my ear plugs in and music on low.or get a hot choc and get back to bed xxx

i find that when my lungs keep me awake at night it makes me really angry and annoyed and stuff and so i find it even harder to get to sleep, so i try to have some boring backround noise (radio or something) and then after a while, i just watch some programme clip that i like (youtube is great as lots of bits are short) just to make me less iritated and make it more of a fresh start to going to sleep! also, if ur not sharing a bed i sometimes like to get up and re-make the bed as i get too hot and uncomfortable after a couple of hrs trying to sleep. hope u feel better and get some sleep soon!

So unfair

Lack of energy and sleep depravation makes me feel like joining a army or go on a tread mill. But can't do those either. We just want to get normal sleep routines. It's annoying when you do sleep and awake tired. I don't know what that's about.

A is for apple, B is for...

Rather than count sheep, I go through the alphabet and try and think of a fruit beginning with each letter. If I struggle with a fruit, I think of a vegetable. For some reason it works and I can never get much beyond F or G. Stops my brain thinking about all the stuff that panics you in the wee small hours.

I have got to the point where I swear at my lungs when I wake up coughing (again)!

I find a drop of brandy in hot water works well, soothes resp tract and helps you nod off! Drink while watching some of the amazing junk that appears on tv in the early hours, you'll soon be sleepy.

: )

i normally fall asleep anywhere at any time cos of health probs but the last week my chest has been playing up again so i have had very little sleep so i can sympathise so much. i have given up just staying in bed, instead i have been getting up after about 45 mins and opening the window, have the meds i need, re make the bed so it is aired and cool and read a magazine until i cant focus any more lol then try again to sleep-this goes on alllllll night...driving myself mad so this topic has interested me x

had one good night sleep this week.

I dont drink alcohol only at xmas but had a glass of cherry and slept like a log all night.

Usually have a hot drink and a biscuit when take my night meds and sleep a bit.

Got another pillow as when im lying down by breathing is not as good xxxx

hope you get some sleep,reading is good as makes your eyes realy heavy to stop open xxxxx

yaf_user681_9944 profile image

I can't remember the last time I actually had a whole nights sleep without my cough waking me up! I feel shattered and have no energy in the day. Thinking of going back to doc's to see what I can do but do feel like I'm wasting their time! Joined the gym again and trying to start off slowly and steadily and hoping the fitter I am the better I will feel. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but it's comforting to know I'm not the only one going through this! Camomile tea with honey can help before better. Its relaxing but also good for the old throat if anyone else is like me and has a sore throat due to coughing!

sleep deprivation!!

having survived on minimal sleep for several years I truely thought I could never be as exhausted as I am today!! In all honesty asthma symptoms are a walk in the park for me at the moment. Waking as usual at 2am and 4am my favourite 2 hours of the day, mmm do you really believe me?!! However the last 10 days the family have been struck by a virus. Husband is snoring like a world war 2 aeroplane, bambino is snuffling and sneezing and generally making noise. Resorted to the sofa but of course the baby monitor follows and therefore so does the noise!! Add a little light stress in my life and I can say I have watched virtually every hour tick by over the last 3 weeks. Finally this morning i found myself pulling over on the slip road on the motorway to join all the lorry drivers as my eyes can no longer stay open!! Sadly the reality of being late for work kicked in and i left the cosy layby, am considering sleeping in the shed tonight!! Hope all my fellow sleep deprived friends are managing to get through the day. xxxx

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