Constipation: Any ideas how to get rid... - Asthma Community ...

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13 Replies

Any ideas how to get rid of this contiuous problem? Any success stories or remedies? Willing to try new things and old things? Just need some relief!

13 Replies


try prune juice,lots of water,fresh orange,glisarol suposatries,all bran and if they fail its dinarod out im afraid or dinamitexxx

well orange juice is out as it is full of acid. I am trying the bran! thanks!


A good curry would help to.or if you have a partner that will help you know what I meanxxx


A good curry would help to.or if you have a partner that will help you know what I meanxxx

First thing to do is look at why the problem is there in the first place and see if you can address the cause rather than the problem. It could be diet - maybe keep a food diary and see if it is worse when eating certain foods - a side effect of a medicine, stress, etc etc.

For me it was due to a side effect of a mediation I was on. Without that particular medication I was fine. So my GP changed the medication for something different and the original is only used when absolutely necessary (it's a strong pain killer). My GP also prescribed Senna tablets at a higher strength than recommended over the counter which I take when I take the medication with this side effect.

Hi Plumie, Here's an 'old' and well known remedy that might help.

A gentle exercise that will help relieve constipation and if practised regularly will improve waistline definition!

Take all meds and allow two hours before exercising after eating.

Lie on back and bend both knees a hip widths apart ( very important)

Place right ankle on front of left thigh nearer towards the knee if possible.

Rest the backs of both hands behind head. ( Elbows and lower part of arm must be relaxed and NEVER pushing on head)

VERY GENTLY round upper body leading with left elbow towards bent RIGHT knee breathing out if possible. If not don’t worry. Take it V-E-R-Y slowly. The more slowly the better.

It doesn’t matter how far you can curl the upper body. Whatever feels comfortable

Try to repeat ten times. If not five times. If not two times.

Then change sides and repeat WITHOUT resting.

This exercise if practised regularly (daily) will relieve constipation because of the ‘massaging’ effect upon lower intestines.

Another benefit if you are able to increase number of repetitions would be to improve the definition of your waistline.

Hi plumie

I always have this problem after any anaesthetic.

I struggled to even get sat down on the loo with my pinned leg way back in 2001.

Retired nurse friend came up with the answer for me. Prunes for breakfast every day for a week. Was I glad when it worked within two days! Tinned Prunes. Yuck. Even the name is yucky.

Good luck.


Kiwi fruit at least 2, washed down with a double espresso nothing gets things moving faster!

isn't a high vitamin C intake supposed to cause the opposite problem, so may cure yours.

If all else fails movicol/ lactlulose on prescription - go see your gp!

Sorry to go into detail but my friends toddler has this problem and they were told that the bowel can stretch cos of all that bunged up stuff and make pockets that means you easily get bunged up again if that makes sense until things unstretch. Advice was regular laxitives on prescription of at least 6 months lots of fluid and dr keeping an eye on things.

try dried apricots they contain a lot more fibre than things like prunes and i find that only need about 6 and don't have a problem then. Thorntons used to do choc coated ones and i made the mistake of munching way through a packet- not a good idea unless you planning on staying close to the loo.

I suffer with constipation and for the last 10 years have taken daily laxatives, which according to the docs i cant stop now cause my bowels have become lazy! When my meds are not working I usually eat a packet of sugar free sweets, the ones that say excessive cossumption may cause laxative effects cause well, they certainly do if you eat enough! This probably is not recommened but it works! I think its the aspartame or whatever its called that helps.

Hey guys thank you for all your suggestions. I have been on medication for last 6 years and tried loads and got no wear so been told to try dietary factors, i will be trying prunes or apricots. Am currently trying sultana bran flakes for breakfast daily. Hopeful dietary shall sort it. Seen as medication failed

Thanks again


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