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lack of sleep

26 Replies

lack of sleep makes you think strange things like why is the sky blue or makes me read alot have finished 4 books

Does any else find this



26 Replies

Hi aj,

I find the nights seem to last much longer when you cant sleep.

I tend to watch lots of films cos im too lazy to read

Howie :)

Annista profile image


Sadly, I listen to Radio 4 in an attempt to bore myself to sleep. Even worse, when it doesn't work I turn to radio 4 extra (was BBC7) and listen to antique radio programmes like the Navy Lark. If all else fails I get up and prowl round the house (doesn't take long, I live in a shoebox), which doesn't help either. I find that if I'm unable to sleep I'm usually unable to settle down to a book, although I always have one to hand, just in case.


yeah sometimes i cant read so i have my little portable dvd player by my bed so i can watch a film


I put all my shoes and clothes into different orders, some nights colour, some seasonal or whether casual or smart. I also write list of things, presents to buy, meals for the week, 100 things to do, I have books of lists and the most oddly ordered wardrobe

i write lists of things i need to teach my brownies, or activities for them to do.

also, need to go over things for wen well enogh go back work - drugs and maths mainly :S


Asthma-girl profile image

I was suffering from lack of sleep on Sunday and started wondering who first discovered asthma and how did they come to call it asthma, I put it down to all the meds I have had to have recently

yeah i think of silly things like what came first the chicken or the egg


I think about things which stress me out and which I need to do. Which probably explains why I can't sleep ;) - I know it can't be the meds anyway, since I'm not on them.

asthmagirl, I think the Greeks knew about asthma which is why it's called that - 'asthma' is a Greek word which means 'panting, shortness of breath' and according to my giant doorstop Greek dictionary (I studied Greek at uni) was used by Hippocrates (4th century BC) and later writers specifically to refer to a medical condition involving shortness of breath/effort breathing. Though even if the Greeks hadn't used the word that way asthma probably would have got called that anyway as most medical terms are Latin/Greek derived. I always find it vaguely amusing when medical people think I don't know what they're talking about when they use those.

Sorry, that was probably way more than you wanted to know but you got me interested and I wanted to find out, and once I had thought I'd share.

Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight! xx

Movies, Internet and IPad for me.

Even though I love reading I find that when I can't sleep due to Nellie, I can't be doing with books, my attention span goes AWOL.

Also find myself listening to TalkSport quite a lot.


to help me read when nellie is playing up i play music really quitely it helps me concentrate.

I read alot as even though i have dyslexia i love to read it keeps me sane.

my dvd player is very happy at the moment at it is being used alot


I listen to stories on my I pod, or lap top, or read but like some of you find it hard to concentrate when lungs being naughty. Play the I went shopping and bought something beginning with a ... that keeps me amused using different catergories wild animals is good. I imagine that I am on holiday in greece...laying on a sun lounger.

i have a sound thing that i put on and i put it on the sound of waves i get taken back to when i was sun bathing in malta on a sun lounger at the beach


Annista profile image

Ohhh, that sounds good. All you need to go with it is one of those 'daylight' lights and the heating turned right up and it won't matter that you can't sleep because you'll be lying in the sun on the beach.

now that sounds good but the best thing would be to go back there


Mmmmm. I'm normally an autumn/winter person (I prefer the clothes) but this winter, and the breathing issues, have really made me long for some warm weather.

Going to Italy next week though :)

Does anyone actually count sheep, by the way? I've never tried it...

i like it warm but not to hot and the cold is bad. But my lungs dont like it italy is said to be nice

It doesnt work for me


Yeah cold is evil, cold air really sets me off. Warm is good, maybe about 25 degrees, but much hotter and I'm rubbish!

i have tried counting sheep jumping over hedges, it used to work, never got past 25 lol


I really need a good night sleep i am so worn out.

My pillow speakers came today as music pillow wire snapped.

These look bigger and stronger and need put them in to a pillow case.

So hope tonight soft music or natural sounds to help my MD and insomnia with steroids.

If that doesnt work then im going to get a really heavy rolling pin to do the trick.zzzzzzzzz!!!!.

love glynis xxx

Asthma-girl profile image

Thanks for your post Philomela about where the name asthma came from, I found it very interesting

Sleep still avoiding me getting 5 hours at the most. have read loads, watched films and talked to a wall


So tired today, I took an hours kip before even thinking about what to have for dinner. Felt as if I had far too much air and couldnt breathe it all out.

someone else that talks to the wall...that is great me too. Always reminds me of the film shirley valentine. I am not sleeping at all well and when I do go go sleep wake up and don't know where I am. Last night woke up and thought the drip stand had gone missing but then realised I was at home. I think lack of sleep playing havoc with my moods...I am so grumpy. Does any else find that grumpiness can be a sign that lungs are not happy? I always feel tetchy before a big splat, wondering if any correlation? Any way I am going to try knitting to make me go to sort of sheep related.

Yeah talking to the wall is always fun. Yeah i get grumpy

Not sleeping also most of the night listening to music from pillow speakers.

The pred and slophyllin not helping but so breathless.

Had to sleep with the window open wide but not sure thats a good idea as yet sill dont know

anymore of my triggers and awaiting allergy tests again.

Did manage sleep 2 hours in the day today through total exhaustion xxx

Lack of sleep today has finally tipped me over the edge! To top it all me n little man are well!

Why no sleep? Pesky neighbours singing till the wee hours!

Oh to be young again, well younger than I am now!

Cant really complain tho, they are great neighbours.

Just bad timing. Wishin everyone some big zzzz tonite.xx

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