The BIG day for snowy tomorrow :-) - ... - Asthma Community ...

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The BIG day for snowy tomorrow :-) - (NOW ITS THE DAY)

16 Replies

Well the time has come..... 5 weeks on and here we are, still cant beleive Im even saying this but the big decision is tomorrow as they plan to extubate her....

We are now down to 2hrly reductions all night now, and all good so far, earlier I had to laugh when I looked at the monitor and saw her sats were 97% - By golly I didnt think the machine read above 85 lol (and beleive me when youve seen it read less than 50% for days on end it was a huge shock!) , as thats the highest I had seen to date, at one point had to decide if I was upside down and it actually read 76 hahaha, I think now shes ready and infact is screaming let me ******* out of here !!!!

Its going to be a long night and an even longer day tomorrow - so here goes and everything crossed!


16 Replies

Bloody fantastic news !!! Love hugs and prayers for tomoz xxx

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

I shall be thinking of you both all day!!! Hugs and best wishes.

Jac xxx

Fingers crossed that everything goes to plan for you both tomorrow, I haven't said much throughout this saga you have both had to endure, but everyday I have had to check in in the hope that there was a positive turnaround. So hope this will be it! Get plenty of rest tonight because you are going to want to tell Snowy do much about all the stuff she has missed whilst she has been asleep, and will need to be bright eyed and busy tailed as much as possible. So make sure you get some sleep at home tonight, followed by a decent breakfast in the morning, because once she is awake I expect you want to remain with her much of the day. And most importantly when she wakes up tell her you LOVE her, BIG TIME, think that is what I would want my husband to tell me first after not seeing him for such a long time.

Best wishes Katina

I have been watching your posts on Snowys progress over the last few weeks. I haven't posted until now as I know there was nothing I could say that would ease you pain, but my thoughts have been with you every day as I read each update. After reading this post, I had to reply and say how pleased I am for you and your son. I can imagine how difficult it will be to sleep tonight, but as Katina said, you need to be there 100% tomorrow! Take care and good luck xxx ((Sending my love and hugs)) xxx

yes Alex, like everyone I too have been logging on every morn and eve to check for your news and have been rooting for you all and willing snowy to get better, and I am so very very glad to read that she is at last turning the corner. It's obviously been a massive emotional rollercoaster for you and Lewis, you'll need some serious r&r once she is well again x

now it is the day....

im not sure im ready for today, both physially and emotionally but today is here and ready or not I have to face it, its been a rollercoaster of a night for me and not her for a change, not sure when I will get back on here but its nice to know that I have people with me in spirit.

Thanks again

Alex xx

yaf_user681_30355 profile image

I have butterflies in my stomach for you lol, but good ones xxx

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

oooh. this is it. the big one. the show down....

good luck for today to all of you!

geina xx

Good luck today to all of u. I will be thinking of u all. I have a huge smile on my face and will keep checkin in all day!! Big hugs n kisses to u all.chell.xx

Good luck today I will keep you all in my prayers x

Alex, you'll do just fine. Sleep or no sleep, adrenaline will keep you going. With that in mind, go nibble the pages of a book. I did that before important music exams and have many books minus page corners to show for it. Books printed in the 60s were best.

With you in spirit, Alex. Wishing you love and steadfastness in equal measure.

Moira xx

Thinking of all of you today, and sending all my fighting strength up north for Snowy!

Wonderful news....I do think Snowy is saying get me out of here. Best wishes and love for later as the doctors extubate.


Great news, I hope everything goes well. You must be running on pure adrenaline by now lol.


best of luck and hope it all goes well. My fingers are crossed,

Just to say that snowy is in my thoughts today .

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