Gnr: Hi all I post occasionally on the... - Asthma Community ...

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yaf_user681_25874 profile image
18 Replies

Hi all

I post occasionally on the boards - usually when my asthma had slipped out of control or I have some questions ....

But, for once it's none of that....

In February (left alone while my dh was at the pub) I entered the ballot for the great north run... I have run a little before - did a 10k last year - bur nothing on this scale

And I got a place! So in September I will be running, raisingoney for both AUK and my local scout group (I am a beaver leader) and fir anybody interested, I will post here about my training and how I an getting on....

For info, I have rhat uveitis class as moderate asthma - mostly well controlled but takes a dsirxamount of meds ...

I take






Plus flixonase and cetirizine for rhinitis / hay fever

So quite a lot of meds on a daily basis ....

I have found there isn't an awful lot of info for asthmatic runners when I've looked so I am going tk try to post about this experience and share what I learn ....

Hope someof you find it interesting


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yaf_user681_25874 profile image
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18 Replies
yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Apologies for the spellings etc in my post.... Blame it on my phone.... Total nightmare

Will try to post at least weekly with how I cm getting on, effects on asta symptoms etc


yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Apologies for the spellings etc in my post.... Blame it on my phone.... Total nightmare

Will try to post at least weekly with how I cm getting on, effects on asta symptoms etc


Hi Kat,

wow, I am impressed. I couldn't/wouldn't even consider entering for any kind of run, I am absolutely rubbish at running and especially impressed at anyone with asthma who can do it. I hope your training goes well.

I'm sure I saw something on Google - there was a forum discussion on asthma and running when I was looking for general asthma info. Can't remember what it was called I'm afraid but I read the whole thing as it was quite interesting re asthma even for a non-runner. There were lots of asthmatic runners on there discussing training etc plus a guy who was an A&E doctor and had an interest in asthma and running - think he went by Yorkshire Lad in case that helps you find the site.

Good luck!


PS Wondered if you were having phone issues - I hate doing emails on the go, it's so much more effort than typing on a proper keyboard.

wow!! i am impressed!

i would love to be able to run and raise money for AsthmaUK and other charities to give back for all their hard work, but lungs dont allow...

before asthma got more severe, i used to walk up to 3hrs a day, sometimes more, now i struggle to do 10 mins a day - if that!! although when i am not symptomatic, i go to work and a 13hr shift is like doing the marathon i can tell you!! haha.

good luck with the training and the 10k run.

let us kow how u get on.

x x x

Well done you!!

I'm also in training for my first 10k in May so will be following your posts with great interest.

Asthma-girl profile image

Good luck with your training and the run in September

angievere profile image

Good luck with the training Kat, think you are very brave. Don't overdo it! xx

Are you mad ????? Lol

Seriously though, I hope everything goes well and you raise loads of money.

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Thanks all - yes definitely am mad :) totally utterly but the feeling after a good run is fantastic .... Such a high :)

I have been training very cautiously for a couple of weeks following a rough time over Christmas, running and walking and have built back up to 4 miles so s long way of the 13.1 of the GNR and still taking walking breaks on most runs

But have just visited GP this morning as had a rough week last week (was still running tho :) ) and he has signed me off work and given me a week of pred and ciprofloxacin for chest infection so I shall be sofa surfing for a few days and hope to get out again next week if ok when I go back to GP

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Just another thanks...

Philomena - I found the forum

Post you mentioned - really useful - will be having a good look at that from time to time as I hadn't found much info elsewhere and it's good to find people with same issues etc - tho from reading I think I will have to be more cautious given my list of meds and recent history of chest infections dnd the like

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

No running again this week ...

chest infection refusing to clear so more ciprofloxacin and steroids and back to GP next week...

But I WILL get back out there as soon as I can

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

this weeks update...

chest infection finally gone, now trying to get pfs up and pred down before goinbg back to work...

feeling much better so took myself out for a test run this AM and managed 5k without issues...

bring on next week - hopefully back to work and back to running :)

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

Am finally back at work now and back out running again....

Can now manage 5k without a walking break providing I keep it slow and steady - 5k time about 31 mins

Still taking pred - found that when I dropped to 15 mg daily my pf started to drop so went back up to 20 again for now but I will try reducing again once it seems stable and at 80% of best or higher....

List of daily meds is currently








And good old ventolin

But at least I am out there running and getting on with day to day stuff rather than stuck on the sofa

Now waiting on referral to chest clinic and hoping they can tweak meds so I can cut the pred further or altogether

Target for this week is to run 4 times and clock up at least 15 miles....

Wow, go Kat!! I think I would die if I attempted to run up the road, even before I developed asthma I was a rather lazy person lol.

You're doing so well :)

Dawn xx

yaf_user681_25874 profile image

well last week I managed 3 runs totalling 9.55 miles plus a 12.25 mile walk at the weekend...

this week is going well so far, 3 runs done, total of 9.71 miles and I am aiming to run tomorrow plus a walk and maybe a run on the weekend too.... not fast, but I am happy that I am running consistently and enjoying it too

Got the pred down to 10 mg per day now too and got my chest clinic appt through for mid May...

onl;y downside is I have a sore throat again, and hayfever is beginning to kick off.... just hope I get away without another chest infection so I can keep on with my training plans....

Hi Kat - sorry I didn't have chance to respond to this when you first posted. I'm not far off where you are in terms of meds etc and I'm about to run my third marathon. If you want to have a chat, swap tips etc, then please PM me. :)


yaf_user681_25874 profile image

It's been 4 weeks since I last posted an update, so thought It was about time...

I am now off the pred completely and all good so far... got a clinic appt tomorrow so hoping to review meds and get some more useful info etc on how I can avoid such a bad winter again...

Had some good runs and some off days the last few weeks but am now running around 3.5 - 4 miles on most runs and aiming to stretch at least one run a week into a longer run sp I can increase my miles over the next 4 months.

Usually take a couple of puffs of ventolin before I go out, and sometimes need some during a run - mostly if there is a lot of pollen about, as I am allergic to grasses, wild flower and cultivated flower pollens (strangely enough I don't react to Birch pollen which is often the worst for a lot of people)

The next big milestone is fast approaching - I have a 10k race for life in mid June so need to be able to run 6+ miles comfortably by then.... I would like to finish in under an hour (I have previously run 10k in around 1 hour 3 mins) so need to get on with more distance and some speedwork too

Well done. I enjoyed this post.


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