things to fill me up...pred munchies ... - Asthma Community ...

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things to fill me up...pred munchies getting the better of me.

19 Replies

There has been a food related theme to my posts lately - I am hungry. The pred munchies have got me big time.Have been put up to 60mg today ahhhhh. Any suggestions for interesting foods that are healthyish and will fill me up. I love to cook so when I have enough puff is something I can do. Making banana flapjacks this afternoon.

Any suggestions greatfully recieved. I am allergic to fish except for tuna and also allergic to some nuts,

19 Replies

I'd noticed the food trends on this section recently ;)

I've been told that wholewheat pasta fills you up - thought it would be more expensive but doesn't seem to be. Trying it myself as normal pasta fills me up then makes me hungry 2 hours later.

Brown rice etc supposed to have same effect as brown pasta - you may have heard this but anything with a low glycaemic index (GI) is meant to do slow release and therefore keep you full for longer - google it to see what else is low GI.

I can't believe I'm advising on healthy eating given the way I eat... good luck beating the munchies though!

I suck sugar free polo mints when got munchies and lots of hot drinks also eat breakfast sets me up for the day as dont usualy have any. Pasta and rice meals are ok and Options choc drinks 40cals help the choc munchies xxx

oh yes, good point about the mints Glynis, as once you've had a mint you don't want anything else for a bit or it tastes of mint! Strong ones, and fairly big, would help there, maybe Trebor Extra Strong if they don't have too much sugar.

have found a pattern for knitted do-nuts now that may take my mind of the real things. Thanks for the ideas. Am having pasta for tea. I do think that being bored isn't helping.

KateMoss profile image


You burn more calories eating it than it contains.

Dried fruit but ration the prunes & figs!

Rice cakes & corn cakes ...............

Hi Kate

Am munching on a stick of celery...hmmm not to sure about it but will keep going. Thinking of all those calories I am burning...think celery would be nicer dipped in cream cheese. But thats not the idea.

Thanks for the ideas will deffo be rationing prunes!

We have a family we are friend's with who's youngest son loves celery dipped in chocolate spread, again, not sure that will have less calories!

Annista profile image

Oh dear, it's confession time.

I got in from work today too hungry to wait for my meal so I opened a pack of Sainsbury's taste the difference cocktail beetroot (Tesco do a similar thing). They are just yummy and I've eaten them all. Now I don't want any dinner and I just KNOW that I'll be starving again at about bedtime.

And I've got beetroot juice under my fingernails.

I love beetroot too especially pickeld beetroot! and you got a free nail color too! At least it was better than scoffing chocolate!

I am going to have a go at making falafel for lunch they are made with chickpeas and should be pretty healthy. An if have them with a salady type thing then they may fill me up.

Im begining to think im the one person who ""loses"" their appetite when on pred, been on 50mg for a week now and lot another half a stonne, just cant seem to eat when im on them!


i dont like to eat when im on them

okay i thought it was just me, apparently not thats okay then, maybe its cos i been pred high dose for so long, but i dont get the munchies anymore! lol. if anything i force myself to eat breakfast of cereal/milk in the morning to take the pred. if i dont then i get the reflux bad regardless of takingthe omeprazole :S vicious cycle. i seem to be losing theweght now too - 12kg in last 3 weeks or so :) - positive side effect of pred, surely not! lol

when i did get the munchies it was for custard - ambrosia lol


I wish it would work that way with me...I am always hungry. Have to really be determined not to just eat and eat. I also get cravings for salty foods such as ritz crackers not sure of that is the pred or just my weirdosity.

Not on pred and never have been but have found this asthma, or whatever it is, has really hit my appetite. I have to make myself eat a lot of the time (such an effort!) and find myself skipping meals without really noticing which I know isn't good.

If only we could somehow pool our appetites - people with pred munchies could have some of my food apathy and I could get some of your appetite!

Snowy, I lose my appetite when on pred too. If I do fancy anything its always salt & vinegar snack o jacks!


Wow im glad its not just me then, Yummm s&v anything for me, I dont have a sweet tooth at all and crave crisps etc all the time!

sooo hungry now tho, but not tolerating anything yet, could murder a nice chicken salad, though when friend comes over later she wants order nice takeaway - cant do indian or pizza cos of allergies so chinese for crispy duck instead maybe :S



I can't do chinese...makes me sick. I didn't like the falafels. Making chicken biryani tonight.

Must stop eating biscuits

Weird how it affects people differently. I generally feel like eating less when bad as feels like too much effort and get more puffy. Also find pred. doesn't help appetite but no weight loss. Now to harness that for the rest of the time and I'd be a size or 2 less ideally. Pitta bread crisps and hummus, yum.

Not sure I could manage without indian-have to careful though as can be difficult to explain lactose intolerance. Mmmm, chinese

Agree brown rice is good but takes longer to cook

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