Nebulizer: My son's resp nurse is... - Asthma Community ...

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My son's resp nurse is against him having a neb at home. (He is 10yr) Also has adrenal supression now, due to high dose of steriods. (Which is another worry)

Reason's she say's is because his Sats fall low during an attack, the peadatrion agrees with this. During his last attack we called the paramedics, it was 20 mins before they arrived, although we were sent 2 responder's to deal with things untill they arrived. They could only give him oxygen.

Yet i'm still told having a neb at home is dangrous ?? Does anyone have any views on this ? Any advice appricated Thanks

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Alot of medical personel do not like the use of home nebs as they can mask an underlying problem, and I too was refused a nubliser at home due to sats dropping so quickly, shane can go from 96% to mid to high 70's in a matter of 5 mins. With shane catching him quick seemed to be the only way from keeping out of costa. It took many life treatening attacks for them to put him on a 3 month home neb trial and after much training for myslef and my husband. We have had the home neb now for 3 yrs and it has been a life saver, but with it comes strict rules, Shanes 7 btw.

You could try and press for one or buy one yourself and press for the nebules.

I can see where their concerns are regarding saturations thou and unless oxigen dependant they rarely provide an oximetre, although there are cases they do, and they are not cheep to buy yourself unlike a nebuliser, yet I can also see your views on having one at home. Yes, in shanes case it has reduced his admitions dramaticly as with trips to A&£, but it was a 2 year fight to have one provided.

Good luck and hope you son isnt too unwell.

Sharyn x

KateMoss profile image

Hellooo Annie,

I think one of the reasons ( medical peeps, correct me if I am wrong) is that nebulised ventolin can actually reduce oxygen levels an bit which if you are prone to low O2 levels anyway, can be more harmfull. This is why in an accute attack medics nebulise with O2.

Therefore, you can appear to feel better with the effects of the ventolin on a compressor air driven machine , but your O2 levels are still low.

I think also some people unless they have strict guidelines can become over reliant on nebulisers. (I do use nebs regularly myself as I have brittle asthma)

If you are still concerned ask the reasons again why you can't have a nebuliser at home especially if you are in a rural place.

Also, even if you did buy your own, the doctor still may not prescribe the nebules.

I hope this doesn't apear too negative, Just stating some facts that the medical profesion use etc. Also, I don't know your full circumstances either.

Hope this helps though

Also, I hope Christopher doesn't worry too much about not knowing anyone on the Kick - A holidays before he goes. I have been doing the holidays since 2000 and friendships are formed very quicky! I am helping on the Northampton holiday but there must be others on this board who are doing S'ton holiday!

Take care


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