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Managing Asthma at School

9 Replies

HiI'm new to the board and looking for some advice/reassurance. My 4 yr old is due to start school next September. She currently has clenil modulite at home morning and evening with a spacer. My problem is with her reliever. When she is struggling with her breathing I am advised that she can have up to 10 puffs of ventolin every 2 hours. In this case, I keep her home from preschool and her symptoms go within 24hrs. However, when she is recovering (or an episode is imminent) we manage her condition with 2 puffs every 2 hours.At the moment, her preschool staff are happy to assist her using her spacer. However, I am told that when she goes to school, they will not help but they will observe her. She isn't physically able to hold the spacer onto her face and press the inhaler - she has neither the strength in her fingers no arm's length.How do other people manage their children's asthma at school?Thanks

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9 Replies

She may well be able to do it by next september. My son started school this september and he can administer his own inhaler. In the event of her being unable to I am sure the school will help. You are likely to have to fill out extra consent forms and most likely have to go in and show them how to do, signing something to say parent has trained teachers, or similar to that effect.

Just make sure you have a written action plan and when she does require it every few hours write it again stating times etc. A good school should follow your instructions.

I was extremely worried about this same thing and my son had an attack a few weeks ago which meant when he was back at school he would require his long acting reliever at various times and his blue as and when, every hour if need be. I discussed it with the school before he returned, wrote down what needed to be done and talk to the teacher again on his firt day back. It seemed ott but I really wanted to make sure everyone knew how it stood and I needn't of worried because that whole week went smoothly.

Try spending next summer teaching her how to do her inhaler. Make sure she pushes the mask on her face and uses both hands to push down on the inhaler, you will be surprised how quickly she picks it up and also how grown up she will feel too.

I have given consent for my sons school to administer his inhaler in the event of him being unable to, ie coughing uncontrollably or feeling too weak, also. Just in case.


Try not to worry.I work in a school and Every child's asthma treatment is put in a bag with their name on and instructions.they are kept in our MI room.All staff are medically trained and younger children who need help with there meds are always taken care of.I have access to the MI room as a first aider and lunchtime supervisor and see children with asthma and everything else on a daily basis and parents of really young children can also give teachers a daily routine to follow if their child's meds get altered when having a flare up xxx


Both my sons and hubby all have epilepsy and it is hard and hope you find your trust in the school and reassurance they are doing everything possible for your lovely child xxxxxx

Hi there

I thought I'd share our experiences of when my daughter started school. She was 4 when she started and whad quite severe asthma which was often unpredictable and deteriorated quickly.

We contacted the school months before she was due to start and notified them of this and requested a care plan be drawn up. A care plan meeting was held in which the head teacher, class teacher, classroom assistant, school nurse, school doctor, physiotherapist, health visitor and myself attended.

Through this meeting it was decided that Holly would recieve assistance in the delivery of her medication and there were long but very clear guidlines for doing this.

It was brilliant as I felt she safe when she started school. It also gets updated every six months or at my request.

We live in scotland and our local authority appears to have a lot of children with additional medical needs so maybe thats why it was so thorough and organised but I would urge you to look into this well before she starts school, for your own peace of mind.

Hope it all goes well



School Asthma.

The medical centre at the school should have a trained nurse and a spare inhaler (which you should have given to them) just in case they have an attack at school.

Your child should also carry their inhaler in there pocket.

(: Hope it helps!

The odds of their being a trained nurse in a medical centre in a primary school are remote. However I have heard of schools who have a teaching assistant who looks after all the asthmatics and supervise their taking medication. Speak to the school, there are many many 5 year olds out there who have to use inhalers and some nebulisers there has to be a way of managing their asthma in school. In the mean time it is worth getting her to do as much as she can on her own, slowly getting her used to pressing the inhaler herself, practice will help her build up strength and confidence.

Good luck


Hi Mellyroge.

ITs always hard when our young children start school and also have medical needs.

The school also have policies and procedures and you can get a copy from the school anytime and will help put your mind at ease a little way before your child starts school.

You might also get time to spend in school with your child on visits building up to start of term,this will help you to build trust in the lovely caring staff .

my son didn't have asthma but was hearing impaired and epileptic.

Try not to worry and im sure you will be pleasantly surprised how all children's needs are met xxxxxxxxx

love Glynis xxxx

maybe the use of the haleraid would help her if she has little strength in her hands.


ask your pharmacist if you think it may help her.

hi i had the same worry as you last year,i would contact your health vistier as up until she start school you are still under her care,ask for a care plan to be put in place,then at the start of summer term (april) contact the school ask for a meeting with the head and class teacher,take the care plan with you and explian it to them.also ask the health vistier when thay are planning to hand of to the school nurings team!if the school nures has not rang you by the start of sept ring her and ask for her to come out and see you for a chat about the care plan.if you need any more advise send me a message hope this helps

Hi Mellyroge,

Thoroughly agree with the good advice posted by others here but also just wanted to add a word. Ask your health visitor to get in touch with the school nurse who covers your school. Your school nurse will take over from your health visitor when your child turns 5/starts school. I would recommend having a phone meeting with the school nurse and arranging a face to face care planning meeting with her and your school before your daughter starts to make firm plans on how her condition will be managed in school. Also, do you have a paediatric respiratory nurse in your area? She/He may well be able to go into the school to back you up and to provide any training needed or reassurance for the school. Most schools are great and they will welcome advice/training as they want to make your child's school experience as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Well done you for being so prepared, it is definitely worth planning these things in advance and getting the relevant professionals involved.

If I can be of any more help please feel free to PM me,


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