Does anyone know where I can get a hoist fitted to lift my mobility scooter in / out of the car?
Some time ago someone mentioned having a hoist for around £200 but all the hoists I have seen cost significantly more than that.
Does anyone know where I can get a hoist fitted to lift my mobility scooter in / out of the car?
Some time ago someone mentioned having a hoist for around £200 but all the hoists I have seen cost significantly more than that.
If you have a car supplied by Motability, you may qualify for a charity grant from them to have one supplied and fitted. Otherwise, I am afraid you are on your own.
Read this article:
The author has just gone though the process, and gives some insight.
IF you have questions after seeing the article, just ask.
Breathe easy.
The only place I've seen doing this sort of modification is Motability themselves, I don't know of anywhere that will fit them locally. Plenty of second-hand ones on ebay though it you know a mechanic...?
Just looked on Ebay. There are some second hand ones on there. Consider though, who would fit it for you, and is there a warranty? They are listed here:
Breathe easy
If the car is a motibility car,, you better not do it without permission from motability,,,,if it is your own car a decent garage should do...warranty could be a problem though
I have a brig-Ayr 40kg 2way hoist £200 fitted.
You need the weight of your scooter. And what type of hoist is suitable for your vehicle.
The ones listed on e-bay are probably more suitable.
Not sure ,your local installer might be
If it is a motobility vehicle they have to be informed. For insurance .
There was an earlier discussion. maybe something there will help?
brigade 100 kg lift is £350 on mobility managed adaptions getting this one fitted to our new ford focus estate next month.asked if existing hoist could be transferred to our new car and was told it would cost £600.getting a grant from mobility is not as easy as someone has told you they told me I could keep my existing car for another two years
Here are some organisations that might be worth contacting for further advice.
The Mobility Information Service encourages would-be drivers to seek their advice before choosing a vehicle. It offers a wide range of information about cars, adaptations and costs and will advise you as to which car and/or adaptation(s) are most suitable in her/his particular case. Personal assessments can be arranged at their centre. A fee may be charged for this assessment.
Mobility Information Service20 Burton Close
Tel: 01743 340269
Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for the Disabled offers a range of services for disabled people, including a mobility centre. The centre offers a free information service on all aspects of outdoor mobility. The centre can also advise on the range of financial schemes and concessions to help purchase or hire a vehicle.
Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for the DisabledMobility Centre
Damson Way
Fountain Drive
Tel: 020 8770 1151
Fax: 020 8770 1211
Just want to say "thank you" to all who answered my question.
I have some new avenues to explore and hope the result will be a hoist in my car in the next few months!