Well done to all the groups that pushed hard to make it possible to stop adults smoking in cars, when there's children aboard. British Lung and Breathe Easy Groups spent a lot of time over the past few years fighting for this. In the end the Government has done the right thing. I would like to thank all the MPs that voted for it, and for responding to all the letters that we sent to them.
SMOKING IN CARS.: Well done to all the... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes congratulations to everyone who helped get this result all the hard work was worth it for the children.
polly xx
Its good news, a change for the better to show there is a majority who care about preventing damage to young lungs.
Happy we got the result most of us wanted now we'll see how many take heed of the ruling.
Thank you everybody. We have reaction on our site now, including a quote from BLF chief executive Dr Penny Woods.
“Having campaigned on this issue for many years, we’re absolutely delighted that MPs have overwhelmingly backed the ban on smoking in cars carrying children. MPs from across the parties have come together to support this ground-breaking measure.
“The introduction of a law that would help prevent hundreds of thousands of children from being exposed to second-hand smoke in the car is now within reach.
“With both Houses of Parliament having made their support for the ban clear, the onus is now on the Government to act accordingly and make this crucial child protection measure law at the earliest opportunity.
“We are also extremely pleased that the other amendments proposed to this Bill have been successfully voted through. Standardised packaging, banning adults from buying cigarettes for children and prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to under 18 year olds are important measures that will help protect the health of young people now and in the future.”
Many Congratulations to BLF for all the time and energy put into this campaign and its success. Thank you also for communicating with us about it Kevin

No problem BlakeyC - thanks everybody for your support. We've got this far together,
Good news for the children indeed. Janexx
Smoked around my kids when they were young we did not have a car top deck of the bus for smoking
It's just a shame that parents don't think enough of their kids to not smoke around them anyway!! >
That's the first part of the fight over, now for round two, getting the Welsh AMs to see sense when they have their vote next month. Once again a big thank you to everybody that done their bit.
That's a relief!
Great to see the government is capable of joined up thinking after all, Gibbo!
This is great news.
Great ! , we are of ALL OF ONE MIND ON THIS ONE - BUT - how is it going to be policed ? - I was recently chatting to a Traffic Officer about this - and on asking this question - he said" Its becoming a full time job apprehending, apart from Criminals fleeing from a crime incident, Drunk drivers, Drivers on drugs, those breaking the speed limit, etc etc etc , people using Mobile Phones at the Wheel, , and even with fines - they still continue to break the Law, and as for driving a colossal speeds in an effort to catch a Smoker at the wheel or passenger - and then providing proof that would stand up in a Court of Law - the resultant fine would have to be massive to make any impression on the guilty parties "........the short answer to all this is = " I hav'nt a clue " !!! .....any ideas folks ?
Perhaps it will be down to the public to report the car registration number whenever they see young children in a car when someone is smoking.

And why not have the video camera as well? They'll need evidence! Of course, you could be quite mistaken and the parents are vaping - which is quite harmless to the parents and the children and any doggies in the car as well.
It is successfully enforced elsewhere, and no Policing organisations have raised any concerns. Additionally, the Metropolitan Police publicly supported the legislation this week on Twitter:
"Smoking in pubs didn't need enforcement, we already police phones and seatbelts in cars. Await legislation #askmetboss"
Why would parents in cars be going that fast, most of the culprits are either on the School run, or going to the shops most of the time in 20 , 30 mph areas. The reason the Police don't want this because of the paper work.
Who says Police don't want this? No Police organisations have raised any objections, and the Met Police was enthusiastic about the introduction of legislation this week on Twitter,
fact not myth amen on that
That is great news! Here in OZ,it has been banned successfully since 2009! On the spot fine of $200,here in QLD,higher in some other states.If taken to court & found guilty $1.500 fine!
Police issue fines,no probs.or you can report a car to your local police station,with the rego no. & make of car etc.
Thank goodness people mostly comply now!

That's great news perhaps buy hitting their pockets, it will stop them hitting the children's lungs with all that second hand smoke.
Brilliant I don't know why some parents are stupid enough to smoke in the cars with their kids in but they still do it