Should we be considering the impact of diesel cars on people with lung conditions when purchasing a new car?
Lung Conditions & Diesel Cars! - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Conditions & Diesel Cars!

Very interesting question, I have a modern diesel vehicle and my next car will also be diesel.
The problem is with traffic fumes in general, made worse by older untuned vehicle, older commercials including busses which use cheaper diesel to save cost.
There are several diesels which are tax free due to lower emissions.
Aa a driver most modern vehicle have better filteration, to protect occupants.
Ther is no advantage in using any particular fuel, if all the other traffic churns out rubbish.
I don't think there is an easy answer to this one. This article from the Guardian last year, and the comments below show that there are two sides to the argument.
My commute is more than 70 miles a day (rural/motorway/city) and diesel makes better financial sense. But that doesn't mean I don't worry about it - just not sure of the answer.
With us we are retired and living in a rural area. We do not do a heavy mileage and are buying a new car to replace our diesel powered Skoda Fabia. So the question comes down to which "new" car is better for the environment diesel or petrol?
Don't drive with the windows open, the exhaust fumes can be sucked back in !
We could be lobbying the motor industry, government etc for cleaner energy! I know that in Delhi, when they altered their buses to run on gas the air was immensely cleaner and breathable. The time has come to move away from oil, and seek cleaner less harmful energy for the good of all
I was in my car on my way to a local town centre when I had to stop at the traffic lights in front of me was this young lad on a 2 stroke motor bike { sounded like a wasp in a tin} and he kept revving it the smell chocked me I had all my windows up and the local busses are just as bad.
OH GOD. Dont you people understand how bad diesel engines are!
They emit the most dangerous type of particulates into the atmosphere, they are the ONLY source of these types of particales and the governments incentive to lower tax dor diesel engines is saving fuel costs at the expense of peoples lives!
You can pay less out of your wallet now or ensure that you pay more health wise and also ensure others will suffer!
DO NOT by a diesel. Buy a hybrid petrol/electric or just go full electric.
Please think of other people and future generations that have to deal with the fall-out from the hastily made legislation in the government to sustain votes.
Well said minimayhem!
I have said for years that diesel is more harmful than petrol and I would never buy a diesel vehicle. (To my own inconvenience when looking for a disabled motor incidentally.)
Why? Because whenever I was behind a diesel vehicle I would cough and choke - and this was 30 years or more before I developed COPD.
Oh dear. My Son has just bought a diesel car and I have a trip each day to work in it. Catch the bus and risk peoples cold and flu, take the car and make myself worse. Oh wish walk was an option but even with rehab 10 miles is a little far.