Hi everyone,
So many thankyou's to all of you who posted on my last blog about dad. You are truly inspiring people and should be proud of yourselves for living life as best as your condition allows.
Dad got rushed to hospital Thursday night and is in a very bad way. The slightest movement and his blood oxygen levels drop in their 80's/70's. Using the commode for the first time today was a disaster and they dropped to 62 and he almost had to be resucitated. It scared the hell out of him and you know what? He still smiles and wants to make sure that we are all ok and that we rest and don't overdo it. He is such a great man (not that I thought that when I was 15 and grounded) and doesn't deserve this. This awful disease is robbing him of his life and so much more must be done to stop others suffering in this way.
We don't know what the future holds for dad and if he will make it home but being as positive as we can we try to make him smile and laugh and still believe that laughter is the best medicine. When I went to see him this morning, before the bad episode, I took my 2 yr old. She is at that stage when she repeats everything you say and she was so funny, dad was laughing. His stats peaked to the 90's the best they had been all morning dad said so that is proof...............family and laughter is the best tonic.
And I shall be checking the lotto numbers swn.............dad gave me £4 to do his usual lines, just incase and he's been told.......if he don't see me again he knows why lol. The party will be on me!!!!!!!!!!