"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort". ~Herm Albright, quoted in Reader's Digest, June 1995
Or is that just a little bit wicked?
Your thoughts?
Take care
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort". ~Herm Albright, quoted in Reader's Digest, June 1995
Or is that just a little bit wicked?
Your thoughts?
Take care
A positive attitude is essential when it comes to copeing with any health problems. I am fortunate to be blessed with one. Whew!. There are others who always seem to look on everything from a negative side which must hold you back in many ways. This would probably annoy even more people. Tony.
Wicked maybe, Worth it certainly
Positive attitude along with activity are powerful medicine that can be used in improving the quality of life we experience during illness. Exercising regularly raises the mood whilst giving something to be positive about.
I'm a great believer in the power of positive thinking along with a good sense of humour and a healthy dose of sarcasm and cynicism. All said with an angelic smile. Wicked? Moi?
Vous et Moi!
I absolutely agree with this. People often ask how I can be so positive about stuff - I think i am lucky to have such an outlook. A positive outlook and the willingess to put up a fight with a smile on your face goes a long long way and I agree with dall05 - negativity has a way of holding you back. I am not saying i am always happy and I have my grumpy days - but the positive always outweigh these.
Marie x
I'm positive annoying people you don't really care about is always worth the effort. I positively try not to annoy the people I care about too much.
Being grumpy sometimes saves explanations or arguments. If you know what you want, go for it.
A positive attitude just helps it all along.
Breathe easy all.
I meet people who take such a negative approach to life that I find hard to take to them. In fact I would rather not meet them. Depressing. Bye annie80x
You would take me in,wouldn't you annie?
You bet I would, King!!!!!!!!!!
Great but is not telling me nothing a don't already know
All the best
The very best attitude there is, how can anyone live any sort of life with a negative attitude, but perhaps best not to avoid them as then they can't see how good a positive attitude can be!
Carole x
Have to confess,I do love it when some negative individual whinges away about whatever,,& i refuse to get drawn into it.The more you try to put a positive spin on it,you can see the person getting more angry!!.Cheers
Wendells. Xx