Everybody has a fat friend. If you don't it must be you......
Thought for the day: Everybody has a... - Lung Conditions C...
Thought for the day
Harsh ! but true..........
Not relevant to the subject but I will take this opportunity to enquire about Gordon\? Hope he is OK
Sorry I really hate that, actually why I am apologising? It doesn't matter what size you are! I never look at anyone friends or strangers in relation to their size. If I was to look at a friend and to consider their size I would be no friend.
Lighten up love. Its just meant as an amusing remark. Its not being judgemental nor is it having a go at anyone. I am fat myself
So true Hypercat. I will look for a fat friend immediately! x
hahaha...it's me!!! voluptuous is a better word though!
And its me too! x
Another thought for the Day! Do unto others before they do you.
Wish someone had told me that one when I was born.
Good idea for a blog anyway hypercat -maybe become a daily theme
and glad you seem so much better
Im not keen on that one lavender. I would much rather keep my integrity and take the moral high ground....x
Thanks I am love xx
Ha ha ha, always said mine was wind and water retention.
I am a bit on the fat side but am trying to do something about it right now. I wish Pete would follow my example though! Take care Bev and hope you are well. xx
does this mean you are my friend?
Always redmod xx
I love tyran's comment
I saw a fridge magnet a while back it read
"Lord if you can't make me thin please make my friends fat"
Well I am fat and many of my friends are fat and my thinnest friend attends fat club instead of slimming world.
I stand 6ft 2" I weigh 15 stone, I not fat but you should see my shadow, more bounce to the ounce.
was going to answer this then thought---------------(shut my skinny mouth)