Is anyone taking this for ipf? Just started taking it and wondered abou it. Not a lot of info online. Only recently (Jan) diagnosed with ipf so very mild at the moment
Is anyone taking this for ipf? Just started taking it and wondered abou it. Not a lot of info online. Only recently (Jan) diagnosed with ipf so very mild at the moment
Do you take it or nebulise it?
I have this as a nebulised treatment for my lungs, it breaks down the mucous and is of the same family of drugs a carbocisteine capsules so you tend not to take/use both. It makes dispelling of mucus easier and works directly on the lungs, its very effective but can cause bronchospasm and coughing.
Best of luck and hope this treatment works as well for you as id does for me.
Thank you rattles. I take it in tablet form as I don't use a nebuliser. As it's early days I'm hoping it will keep any worsening at bay.
I was prescribed the soluble tablets but it didn't work for me. It made me cough lots (and if anything made me more breathless) as I had nothing to cough up. I struggled too as all the indstructions etc were in German! It does however work for lots of people and I am sure for you too. Its just one of the meds I tried but couldn't get along with!
Marie x
my hubby took it for 3 months, its german, not yet licenced for use in gb but can only be prescribed by a consultant, it didnt make any difference to him and on his last hospital admittance the cons took it off him and he went back on the carbocysteine which does the same thing, loosens the mucus
I have lung fibrosis but it is not ideopathic, but caused by an auto immune condition. I have been taking this in tablet form (smell is terrible) for several years, together with prednisolone and azathioprine to damp down my immune system. Not sure how much good this specific drug is doing but at the moment the fibrosis seems to be stable, which is good news.
I take Azithromycin as well so hope it works. Luckily I don't get breathless just cough a lot. I've read that acid reflux can also be a factor and I've been taking medication for this for years so maybe the docs will sort it out