Blue badge: Is it posible to get a blue... - Lung Conditions C...

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maxer profile image
26 Replies

Is it posible to get a blue badge without having DLA or AA

maxer xx

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maxer profile image
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26 Replies
Gordon57 profile image

Short answer is yes. All applications are dealt with by local councils, they decide if you get the badge or not, regardless of benefits. The only exceptions are if you have higher rate mobility or a registered blind, which is an automatic issue.

I got mine before I got DLA, but had to go for an hour long assessment with an occupational therapist. They don't ask for a doctor's report now, it's all down to the assessment.

You apply online and it gets passed on the the council -

in reply to Gordon57

Your reply to maxer prompted me to apply online for a Blue Badge, ( I didn't previously realize you could do it Online ). My wife has been nagging me for years to apply, but I always thought there were pages and pages of forms to fill in. It was quite easy doing it from the comfort of my home.

So I just hope that both maxer and myself will be successful.

Many thanks for the advice to Gordon

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

As with many application forms, blue badge, DLA and more, you can often fill in the forms on-line or use a PDF version that allows you to enter your answers and save the file, which you then send off.

This should, in theory, make it easier for the powers that be to deal with as data can be transferred onto their systems, rather than re-type. But, daft as it may sound, some are being dealt with like that, they have to enter the details manually from a printout of the electronic application!

It should also make it easier to understand the applicant's needs, rather than trying to work out some odd medical term that's 'scribbled' on a form.

I was amused that my DLA application had one of these PDF forms I could use, yet you have to print it all out and send it in ! I sent them a CD with the file on as well, but doubt they used it. Crazy that the system is flawed like this, I make no wonder it takes them ages to deal with applications.

My blue badge application was all electronic but when I went for the assessment the council guy who saw me said he did not look at the details until after he had made his assessment - how is he supposed to be aware of the issues? Maybe they are trying to catch us out, if you don't mention something you put on the original form then they fail you ?

Please remember to put all the details on the forms when you apply for anything. They are not mind readers and will not know what your personal problems are.

I was asked about using public transport and explained that although I could eventually get to the bus stop and catch a bus, with a breather or two on the way, it was what happened next that troubled me - where to go when I got off the bus. If I was not catching another service at the Interchange then I faced a walk through a large shopping centre or crossing a busy dual carriageway (fumes and people who ignore red lights being the main dangers) to get into town, and then trying to get round the shops. I just don't do that any more so applied for the blue badge to use when I go in the car to the out of town places. Much less hassle than trying to park in town, even with a blue badge.

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I get no benefits but I have a Blue Badge. I think it's a post code lottery as I seem to remember Gordon having a hard time getting his. I just filled in the online form and sent it in. I just put in that I had Severe COPD and can't walk to far without getting breathless. ( wrong diagnosis from my doctor at the time as, in fact, it's severe ). The next thing I hear is that I have been given a Blue Badge. No assessment or other questions.

We tried for over 12 months to get a Blue Badge, and the first question we were asked was, do you get Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance. I told them no. We were turned down, I re-applied, again turned down and so it went on and on. We then applied for Attendance Allowance as my husband was getting worse and needed more help from me through the night and after 5 months of re-applying for Attendance Allowance and after finally writing to our MP, we were awarded Attendance Allowance, we then again applied for a Blue Badge and got it straight away.

The first question on the Blue Badge Form states, Do you get Attendance Allowance, so if you do not need to have Attendance Allowance then why do they ask you about it.

It is disgusting how very ill people have to jump through hoops to get what they are entitled to. If my husband had not got me he would not have tried for anything as he could not be bothered.

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

The rules and methods have changed in the last year. The new application form is supposed to allow for applicants to explain why they need the facility, rather than already having a qualifying benefit.

It took me a few months to get mine, and involved the Mayor and my MP along the way. The council people blamed the new system and shortage of staff. The new system gives them all the info in data format, they don't need to be able to work out the scrawl on forms and then type it all up. It should, in theory, be quicker!

Maybe I should ask the council how much a year they spend on red tape...?

I have a blue badge and to renew it recently. Important to do it in plenty of time for the renewal to come. I had to send copies of different documents time consuming but worth it. The bad bit is having to look at a photo of me - I always look like a corpse dug up! My 20 year old beauty has long since disappeared.

I have neither and I got one. Think I was lucky that I got mine just before the changes.

If you qualify for DLA don't you get one automatically so you don't need to fill in the rest of the form?

Marie x

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

The list from my local council:

(a) Registered blind person (severely sight impaired)

(b) Person in receipt of Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance

(c) Receives a War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement

(d) Receives a lump sum benefit under the Armed Forces and Reserved Forces (Compensation) Scheme within tariff levels 1-8 (inclusive) and has been assessed and certified as having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking

(e) Persons who has a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking

(f) Drives a vehicle regularly, has a severe disability in both arms, and is unable to operate, or has considerable difficulty in operating, all or some types of parking meter

(g) A child under 3 who, on account of a condition, must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around with the child without great difficulty

(h) A child under 3 who on account of a condition, must always be kept near a motor vehicle or the child can be taken quickly in the vehicle to a place where such treatment can be given.

Putting blue bage into the search box had a lot of useful experiences from members here:

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to

Some of my earlier experiences were deleted, although I did try and sum it all up in my blog at

maxer profile image

I have started to fill in the online form but they want to know the ins and outs of a nanny goats a**hole (sorry thats one of my grandmothers sayings, she had lots but they were all rude ) xx

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to maxer

It's called 'progress' - saves them having to ask the dafter questions later, now they try and put people off applying by creating the quiz of the millennium

dall05 profile image

I got my blue badge by showing my hospital discharge notes but they also gave me a bus pass which included carer comes free too, which was a nice surprise at the age of 53. Apply as you've nothing to lose.

Gordon57 profile image

A bus pass, on disability grounds, can be easier in some areas. In my area there is a form to download on the council website. You fill in your info and take one page to the doctor. You fill in your ailments, he signs, you send the lot to the council.

As long as you have the doctors signature and the conditions are acceptable they send a letter that you take to the travel centre, they issue the pass. They take the photo while you're sat there.

It was my GP who got me to apply, after arriving at the surgery once when I was totally SOB, having walked there. He asked why, I told him I wasn't working and didn't get benefits, I wasn't able to pay the bus fare. He told me to apply and he would be happy to sign my form.

Note that some GP's will charge for filling in a form, it's totally up to them, there's no concession for the bus pass application as far as I'm aware.

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I filled in the form.I wasn't contacted at all. I did contact them to say I was classed as very severe and not just severe COPD.The chap on the phone said it didn't matter as I had already been awarded it.10 days later, including a weekend, I got it in the post. Maybe someone in the office was aware of what COPD is ?

rozzieb profile image

There is no requirement for DLA to be eligible for the Blue Badge but it is clearly an indicator that you may be eligible if you're receiving the mobility component of DLA.

The system now means that the GP is not doing the assessment. I had a blue badge that needed renewing. (Originally my GP had offered to sign the form - I hadn't asked for it!) It took 3 months for the council to do it - meaning they took my legs away! My husband used to drive me to the bus stop, and collect me from it in the evening. Meanwhile I'd arrive at work exhausted because of the walk from the bus stop that end. When I looked at the council's website it said they would remind one when to apply but they didn't. When I pointed this out and complained they removed that info from the website! They had no answer to how to renew without losing 3 months! Great system!! (not)

When I was assessed I was met at the reception, taken out of the building and walked down the road to another door. They were obviously assessing me from that moment (they have measured the distance), and when I asked "how far are we going" was told "not far" so I exploded and said "it may not be far for you but I'm in pain and every step is an effort." Then we got to a room with a mix of chairs all higgeldy piggeldy - the one near the desk was facing away so I asked the assessor to move it so I didn't get a crick in the neck and to demonstrate that I couldn't do it. I then also didn't put up with the discomfort of the chair and kept getting up to move around to demonstrate the discomfort I suffer. I think you need to really show and underline that the discomfort you suffer is permanent and debilitating and not be stoical otherwise you're unlikely to get the badge if you're in the "discretionary" group.

The assessor was amazed that I, as a disabled person, have a paid job! Talk about ignorant!

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to rozzieb

Yep, the assessors seems to have many devious ways of trying to trick people. I was 'assessed' on my walk from the reception to the office, a measured distance of 30 metres he told me. I knew nothing of this little test, but was slow and holding the handrails, with a short stop - because that's how I am, not that I needed to cheat the test, which is how it felt when he told me !

Wonder if BBC's Watchdog have someone old and frail who could secretly film one of these sessions ? I've heard of means testing but this is just mean of them to put us through what are obviously traps - once you realise what they are up to.

Well done to all who mange to get the badge without needing to undergo such rubbish. I wonder if it will be on my notes that I have COPD and Asthma, that I was subjected to the assessment and passed - or will I have to go through it all again on renewal if I don't get the higher rate mobility by then ?

I dont get any benefit (thanks to ATOS) and I applied about this time last year to council. I was assessed by a young girl who is an occupational therapist, who understood more about my conditions than ATOS. She watched me walk from the car etc. and could see I was struggling. She approved it straight away, only took about 6 weeks start to finish and cost me £10

katieoxo60 profile image

The blue badge regulations were altered this year,so were the regulations for disabled bus passes, and the regulations for ring and ride travel. It is easier to get these things if you rec eive DLA mobility components/ or attendance allowance.As the council are obliged to encourage independence among the disabled I presume they will be more understanding in future when assessing for blue badges, especially in those with respiratory and heart conditions which can vary on a daily basis. Good luck to anyone applying under the new regulations.

maxer profile image

Thanks everyone for those replies, I'l give it a go anyway xxxx.

rozzieb profile image

you've nothing to lose except your dignity Maxer!

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to rozzieb

...and sanity, filling the forms in ? :D

maxer profile image

Yep and I lost most of that years ago lol xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Well I am glad you got the answers needed as I had no idea at all, sorry xxxxx Lin

Puffpuff678 profile image

Hello, I was diagnosed with emphysema 8 years ago, I have had many chest infections pleurisy many many times,I had another chest scan 3 week ago,results moderate to servers,my oxygen levels. Have plummeted,some days are worse than others, seems like my whole body hurts some days, I have been reading re applying for a blue badge,I have applied for pip and waiting for reply,all your messages have been very encouraging, it's nice to know I am not alone,I am newbie to all this.

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