Laid up in bed with an infection and a phone for company / entertainment it did so much more advice from the internet (looked in here) the stay warm hydrated and balanced nutrients were all there and then keep up with my mail. There are apps to help decide if you are coming down with something putting data in for a pattern of a normal that highlights not normal, just mail it to the doc and the world has moved since all you did was talk on a phone.
Apps for everything: Laid up in bed... - Lung Conditions C...
Apps for everything
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Too true. But thinking of Rose's misdiagnosis should make us all very wary. She was a smoker and they looked no further. It's frightening that one of us could die of "assumptions".
auntymary I have been wondering why lindirose hadn't posted lately can you direct me please to the misdiagnosis blog or question. I am sorry jester to use your post for this question but haven't been able to trace this having been a bit ill lately -thank you - keep well
Understand that auntymary it is those phones that I cannot follow
Jester, my phone is my lifeline. It allows me to shop, do my banking, navigate to new places, stores all my music and photo's, lets me play games, catch up on the news, check Facebook and Twitter .............................. I even store all my loyalty card barcodes on there ............ Technology, like medical advances, is an amazing thing.
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