Carers Rights Day is Next Thursday (30th November).
Can you help to make sure the family, friends and carers of people with lung disease get the support they need?
“A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid support to family or friends who could not manage without this help.”
The BLF carers report (2011) and Carers UK’s have found that many people caring for someone with a chronic illness do not identify themselves as a ‘carer’.
This means millions are missing out on the help and support they are entitled to. Even those who have been caring for years sometimes aren't aware of their entitlements.
For more information about the support for family, friends and carers, call the Helpline on 03000 030 555
Carers UK organise Carers Rights Day to make sure carers know their rights, and increase the take up of benefits and practical support available to carers. It also helps to raise awareness among the public about carers needs.
What can you do for Carers Rights Day?
Step 1: Send off for the Carers Rights Day resource pack:
Step 2: Whatever you do, big or small, it will make an impact.
Here are a few ideas from Carers UK:
• Write a dedicated post about carers rights on your blog, website or here on the BLF webcommunity;
• Have an information stall at a local shopping or community centre;
• Write a letter to the Editor of your local paper requesting a feature on carers rights or your views on support for carers;
• Take part in ‘phone-ins’ with local radio stations to express your views and the group’s support for family, friends and carers;
• Write an article a local newsletter;
• Invite someone from a local carers organisation to speak at your next meeting (e.g. Crossroads, Carers UK, Carers Trust)
Call Carers UK Advice line on 0808 808 7777 to ask how you can get involved in Carers Rights Day.
Call the BLF Helpline 03000 030 555
for information about support for family, friends and carers.