Hi,as many of you know I have been off of work for some time now.i can't climb the 50+ stairs that need to be climbed if I need the loo.
Well,occ health rang me last week,to discuss ways in which I could poss return to work
One question they asked was,if you have a disabled customer that needs to go to the loo,what happens.to which I answered they either go across to the cafe and use their facilities,or they use the portaloo on the corner.
His next statement just knocked me off my feet.
Do you think you could possibly consider doing the same....you will be given longer for your breaks,while you go across the road to the toilet.
I told him the situation would not be acceptable to me.if its raining,or worse,snowing.what effect will that have on my condition.
I have therefore decided to give up my job,which I'm quite sad about.i could be sent to another store,but I don't drive,and it would mean catching buses,and walking from a to b.
Rant over.xxxx