Hi everybody thought about time i added a photo,that was took about 18months ago on holiday,and to say a proper Hello. i dont dress like that all the time rather be in my jeans.have felt alot better since being on this site,you all seem in the same boat and understand how each other feel which is great...so just like to say all the best to you all...(kath) evo1510.
photo: Hi everybody thought about time... - Lung Conditions C...

hi, I dont dress like my pic either lol, it was taken 40yrs ago on our wedding day,
I used to dress like my photo but got fed up with people giving me funny looks!
Hi Kath, you are looking good
Glad you are feeling better and all the very best to you too.
Just added a photo of myself, darts at the ready lol.
Dont we change when we not well.
Look 50 years older now.. Think i might change my picturr and put my dog on instead..
Evo1510 you look good, i am 43 look like 63 lol
Thanks for the complement made my day..you lot on here are great people keep smileing everybody.my moto is lifes too short to be grumpy...no matter what age you are...lol lol lol lol.
Hi evo, you have a very lovely photo. You don't look your age. I couldn't put my pic on - I might scare the children!! ha ha . x