Here I go again..went to g.p. got my pills . decided about fourish I would have a shower and go to bed with a good book . got new bottle of aveeno and noticed on chemist's label it stated apply 3 times a day.I have been using it as a shower cream before and thinking it was rubbish. better explain.... when I started on uniphyllin I came out in a terrible rash. the g.p. gave me epaderm to wash with. used it and told him on next visit my shower cloged up could I have an alternitive.he prescribed aveeno .I assumed it was to wash with.I telephoned chemist, and when he had stopped laughing, he reminded me to read the labels.I think I am going do lally. thank goodness it wasnt a drug. I think I will just go to bed. I am safer there.
think c.o.p.d affects the brain!!! - Lung Conditions C...
think c.o.p.d affects the brain!!!

That is really funny thanks for the laugh!
Very amusing - but did it help the rash??????????????
Ha Ha , yes i know what you mean , i do read the instructions but then get either mixed up or forget lol . There are some lotions for skin that are both a skinn cream and a shower wash , SILCOCKS BASE , EMOLIENT MOISTURISER BY OVELLE , is the one the hospital gave me for skin reaction . I don't use it though as it has PARABENS in which are linked to cancer , i am going to look deeper in to that though as sometimes it is only certain types that cause it . Hope all goes well and the rash clears up xx . xxxx Dinny xxxx
You are not on your own I took double thyroxine for about a month before realising, thankfully no bad effects. I am a bit more careful now.
that made me laugh on the day i needed to most my rash has just come back today, nice to know your not alone with copd and the rash, my gp says its caused by stress so another thing to thank atos for lol
You sound like my hubby, so I always read all the labels before he uses anything! Had a good laugh so thanks for that. xx
My brain is going to. We went out for a buffet one night, normally my wife gets mine . This day I got my own and said to my wife, who is a cook, what type of soup is this, that's gravy you fool
welcome to my world....L.O.L
Thanks for the giggles!
okay folks...who is the prime minister?
Hi nellie 15
I'm sure COPD affects the brain - I swallowed my spireva tablet this morning instead of inhaling it!! I'm still here though(I think) so presume no harm done.!.
hi emmo, had the tablet in my mouth once...but did'nt inhale. learned my lesson x