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Nice, Happy question, does anyone have any pets?

TheOtherDragon profile image
57 Replies

Pets are supposed to make people feel better.

Puff and I have six birds.

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TheOtherDragon profile image
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57 Replies
valm profile image

Guinea pigs 3 of them mainly my daughters but love to watch them :)

sesh123 profile image

2 cats a dog and at the moment,a spider in the bedroom called albert( the spiders called albert not the bedroom)

tanyamarie profile image
tanyamarie in reply tosesh123


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply tosesh123

You have named a spider! Wow! I am so impressed as terrified of them. Perhaps I should start naming any I see and maybe I would feel a bit better about them but I doubt it. Loving the cats and the dog though as have a cat at home. sassy59

dollysgirl profile image
dollysgirl in reply tosesh123

What do you call Albert when he runs over your face in the night?

TheOtherDragon profile image

Sometimes I worry about the feather dust and Puff's lungs, but the enjoyment he gets from the birds must be beneficial to his health

caroleoctober profile image
caroleoctober in reply toTheOtherDragon

Sorry to tell you this but I had 2 canaries until my consultant advised me to rehome them because of the dust! I now have 8 outdoor goldfish, 6 indoor cold water fish, and two lovely shih tsus because they do not shed their coats.

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply tocaroleoctober

The birds do force both of us to take an interest in what's going on, and to be active, so its good, having to feed them, change their water.Puff spent yesterday afternoon helping two of them to clean out their old nest and prepare another one.

tanyamarie profile image

I have a goldfish.......................................everytime I get a companion for him they end up dead! So waiting for him to pop his clogs now and go to fishy heaven.

TheOtherDragon profile image

oh Tanya !! Its supposed to be a HAPPY thread !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

tanyamarie profile image
tanyamarie in reply toTheOtherDragon

goldy brings out the worst in me sorry! I am happy tho yippppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply totanyamarie

One of our birds is called Goldy, too

RichardAT profile image

Hi, I'm not sure they can be classed as pets; I have a tropical fish tank. It is very relaxing just watching them, although it can be quite difficult when I have to clean the tank. Take care, Richard.

pollyjj profile image

We have a little dog called Tosh he is a Yorky/Jack Russel cross, he is 13 years old only has 3 teeth so his tongue hangs out and he is deaf.

We think he might be long sighted because if you throw him a treat he has problems finding it but if anyone moves or breathes in the road outside he has NO problem seeing them and of course barking. He loves the postman (not).

He has had congenital heart failure for the last 2 years but with medication and a fantastic vet he is still going strong.

He has a lovely life, just sleeping and eating when he wants.

We love him to bits and would love to have him forever, we know thats not possible so we make the most of him while he is here.

We are unable to go walkies now so won't be having any more dogs it would not be fair, but we have lots of good memories to look back on including his sister Daisy who we had for 11 years.


Gidge profile image

We have a rabbit called Yoda - don't ask! My daughter has 2 guinea pigs, 3 Degus, 2 cats, 5 chickens and 2 kids - therefore declined the plea to give Yoda a good home, saying "I'll talk to Mum". the rest is history - so we inherited a bunny about a year old which had had 2 child owners who weren't interested - he came with a hutch, but had not been on grass or fed hay for some time, so he doesn't eat much at all of those - hence the overgrown teeth we had to get sorted out, also he needed 'fixing', also he had blocked tear ducts (needing eye drops 3 times a day for a week). You get the expensive picture! he is a lovely fluffy flop eared fairly small bunny - and we have decided he is lonely, so he will hopefully be joined by Pebbles, a spayed black & white 'proper' bunny with pointy ears who is currently in the local RSPCA shelter. We have to be inspected before we can have her, and Yoda has to go on his hols for a week to the shelter to make sure they get on ! My OH would like a cat but I'm sure he'd fall over it (he's a bit unsteady on his feet and only has one eye that works - recipe for disaster!). loves being outside in a separate run int daytime, but he is a B***** to catch - most entertaining to watch, I'm sure, as he does the wall of death around the run with me trying to catch him !

Gidge profile image
Gidge in reply toGidge

Must clarify - it's the rabbit that's out in the run during the day, not the husband!!

dollysgirl profile image
dollysgirl in reply toGidge

What a pity Gidge, I was really enjoying the picture in my mind of you trying to catch him. Oh well........

libbygood profile image

No pets, have had many over the years - a goat, rabbits, dogs, cats, hamsters, hens, (when our girls were at home.) Miss having a dog about.

dollysgirl profile image
dollysgirl in reply tolibbygood

So do I Libby, but the damn breathing won't allow it. But there is always hope, isn't there.

tyran57 profile image

two cats and one little dog. The cats were both strays who just appeared at our door - like the soft touch i am i fed them and eventually they moved in separately not together !! they are both loving cats and if i put my feet up on the sofa they soon appear for a cuddle they amuse people walking by now we live in a ground floor flat and they sunbathe on the window sill half in and half out !! My little dog we got at 7 weeks old - he rules the house luckily for me he doesnt like long walks although he loves chasing his rugby ball (its nearly as big as him) around the car park!! I`ve always had animals and always say i`m not having anymore whenever one of them goes to animal heaven but i always do !!! By the way their names are Majik and jasper ( the cats) and Jackson

amagran profile image

we have one old smelly dog, she's very clean but her breath is rank, tried allsorts of things but beond pulling out all her teeth we're stuck. shes 13 now so doesn't need too much walking thank goodness, but then again we can't use her as a husky to pull the wheelchair. We got fudge from a rescue place called ponderosa, and my daughter got another dog who was her sister, she's called floss, that was 13 years ago almost exactly, sept 1st we got em, 1999.

TheOtherDragon profile image

I do like hearing about people's pets

MrsShimmy profile image

I have a mad dog called Mickey and my middle son has just got his first 3 fish. The dog keeps me company and is very affectionate, he seems to know when I'm not well and licks my feet when my breathing is bad lol!!

robevanz profile image

Two gerbils here! Motte and Bailey. Motte is grey and Bailey is white, he broke a back leg on a run around the room and had to have it amputated but manages well. They like to be awake when we have our evening meal and wait expectantly for some salady treat. We get a lot of pleasure watching their antics, and they also watching ours.

I have a cat called Boycee and he is so laid back he's almost horizontal :)

Daxiemad profile image

I have Lottie my darling standard black and tan dachshund. She is the light of my life and without I would be lost. I even have a silver ring which says "One Love," and I tell my husband that it is Lottie :O Without Lottie I would be lost, when my husband is out at work, I am never alone she is always there. To me a human without a pet is a lost one. They bring so much joy to your life, and I feel very sorry for anyone who is not able to enjoy the benefits of animal therapy due to allergy or illness. I used to keep and rescue rats and sadly I became allergic to them so had to give them up, but in the 16 years that I kept them they were far more entertaining that TV. Between dogs, rats, hamsters, and the wildlife I have enjoyed many times I think animals are the tops. Even the hedgehog in the garden has a name.

1968 profile image


I have 2 rescued lunchers, 1 rabbit and a1 chinchilla OH and a miniture chinees charpie.

David 1968

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to1968

How many legs do lunchers have? Only joking! I know you mean lurchers but the happiness thing has got to me! sassy59

1968 profile image
1968 in reply tosassy59

Lurchers I know, don't know how I did that cause the letter n isn't even beside the letter R.

Must have been thinking about making lunch when I typed that, wondered where the dogs have been must have eat the lurchers for lunch ers.....

David 1968

sassy59 profile image

We have a 14 year old cat called Tessa and she is such a character. She came from the RSPCA nearly 14 years ago and has given us much pleasure. Sometimes she looks old and sleeps in her radiator bed (got from Tesco's and is the best thing we have bought) but other times she is running around like a kitten. Nuts! sassy59

Huffnpuffer profile image

Morning all ! I have a Westie called Daisy May, great character and great company. I know if i didn't have her, i would probably never leave the house, but she enjoys her walks, even if its at a snails pace, lol, so i enjoy some fresh air and people will always stop to speak if you are walking a dog. Love her to bits !

My biggest worry tho is who will look after her if i'm hospitalised again as I live alone, .. sorry, know this is a happy thread, but any advice would be welcome for peace of mind.

Lovely to hear about all your animals (and fish... and Albert ) they certainly brighten our lives.

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply toHuffnpuffer

ITs a good question, look up hospitalisation and pet care on the council website where you live, some councils offer emergency pet care, although it may not be free, otherwise perhaps your vet knows of schemes?

maggiegirl profile image

Hi 1968 I have a rescued greyhound called Honey she is my second rescue, Dhannay the first one died 8 yrs. ago. They make they loveliest pets so great natured and gentle but I think Honey will be the last sad to say.

suzyflip profile image

I have a rescue Cavalier King Charles called Bentley (see my picture). He is getting on a bit now - he is nearly 10 but full of life and character. I think I own him - he KNOWS he owns me! He is very clever and has different sounding barks to let me know what is going on that he thinks I should know about - he would have been good as an assistance dog. Sadly, like most Cavaliers he has just developed a mild heart murmur but he doesn't allow that to get in the way. He is very vocal (not barking but a whine of lots of different tones) and 'chats' to me (and anyone else who will listen). He looks at me with absolute adoration in his eyes - I am just the best thing since sliced dog biscuit as far as he is concerned. If he gets himself in a situation he is unhappy with he rushes to me as if to say - please get me out of this. He literally looks at me for permission to speak to other humans & dogs. He loves to play football with my husband - not sure who enjoys it most. I have COPD and can no longer give Bentley the exercise he needs, sad really as we live on the edge of the New Forest National Park and there are some fabulous walks here. Sometimes I long to be able to do the walking I used to. We both live on permanent diets - he finds his easier to stick to than I do mine! Ben and I enjoy each others company so much, which is just as well as he is stuck with me, hopefully for a long time yet!

lindiane profile image

I am so lucky as i live with 4 small dogs, two are cavalier king charles one a cavachon and last but never least my boy toy poodle Yoyo. They are all such a joy and make laugh so much.


blackbird profile image

Hi the other dragon - I absolutely agree Pets and animals can help with a number of conditions. I used to run an Animobile to hospices hospitals ect taking in small animals ect -for and hour or so what always used to amaze me - was the way patients who would not normally talk would chat quite happerly away to a guinnea pig or ferret they were storking on there laps. And how the Animals like the ferrets normally running all over the place would become still and allow themselves to be stroked,

I now only have two rescue cats tigger and willow - and 4 chipmonks who cause havoc when they escape and I haven't the puff to catch them!

Spritz profile image

Had loads of cats over the years, mostly strays that turned up on the doorstep or rescue cats (2 of which I took on to save from being drowned!!!). More often than not they needed mending or fixing in some way or other, too! I think the most I ever had at one time was 6 but only have one at the moment (called Puppy - long story!) who is now 12. I can't say whether having cats has made/is making the copd worse though. Had a rabbit called Fizz (also a rescue) who adored one of the cats, and used to follow her around the garden devotedly!! My Mum, who also had copd, had a dog, and when it died, she got a rescue cat which made her breathing worse, so she re-homed that and got a budgie - even worse! so she re-homed that as well. She ended up with a large tank of goldfish: before she got them, she could never imagine being fond of them but she got so attached to them...!

Jude x

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Hi The Other Dragon.I have a dragon and she is the cutest pet I could have.Now back to animals,I have had 16 dogs over the years,all illtreated,unwanted etc.It is a sad world that we live in.I take great delight to the love that they have all brought into our home.Richard Cornish

maggiemay42 profile image

Hi I have an african grey parrot worst thing in the world for my copd, mounds of dust produced by her but have had her for twenty years and just could not get rid of her sometimes she is the only one who speaks to me in days such good company always says good morning as soon as she hears me getting up

TheOtherDragon profile image

If Puff doesn't get up when the birds think he should, one of them comes and sings and dances on his pillow untill he does.

maggiemay42 profile image

Sorry Happy Dragon meant to have said nice to have a happy question can sometimes get a bit depressing on here

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply tomaggiemay42

That is why I chose this question, the other morning everyone here seemed very down and I thought oh yes pets cheer people up let's talk about pets and all be happy.

woodshaper profile image

Adopted Tara my GSD over 5 years ago from Blue Cross Southampton.

Cannot imagine life without her, she keeps me going!


sassy59 profile image

Lots of amazing pets bringing such joy to one and all. I have also questioned whether owning a cat is bad for hubby's breathing but he could not bear to part with her. When she does eventually go to the cattery in the sky, we won't be getting another cat (that is what we say for now though). Cannot imagine life without Tessa. Take care everyone pets and all. sassy59

medow profile image

I've managed to adopt a cat called mellow, her owner died, and as mellow is quite old I think she would have had a problem getting rehomed, she is beutiful, black with white socks and green eyes, very loving and friendly, think her long fur is not too good for me at times, but hey ho, I love just watching her, and really wish I could manage to relax the why she does.

I would also like to keep chickens, has anyone else got chickens?

Medow x

I have a 16 year old cat. I'm dreading him going as I love him to bits.

I also share my sisters dog - well I do the dog walking.....xx

My cat called Sophie coz I thought when I got him that he was female. It wasn't until he was under the knife being done that the vet rang and said 'she' was a 'he'. I was at work at the time and the message came via my supervisor who could barely talk for laughing!

My mother insisted that I couldn't call a male cat sophie and tried to make me call him toby. My sister said he doesn't read Jung and doesn't know difference! So Sophie he remained! He cuddles up on the bed with me purring for England. And he lies on his back with his paws in the air...I love cats xx

i have my 3 babies - kittens i have rescued.

2 years ago my last cat had a stroke, he was 14yrs old and i swore i would not get any more pets, for 2 tears the house seemed empty so when i heard of 2 kittens who the owner needed to rehome or have put down i gave them a home, sadly one got knocked down and died last week, then a friend had 4 kittens she could not find homes for so i took 2 of i have pepsi whos 6 months old, sox and missy who are 10 weeks old.

and all are nutters!!!!!

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply to

I'm sorry about your cat, I also had cats for many years, all sadly departed now.

id love a pet but the hair goes for me which i found strange as when i stayed with the wife we had a cat/ parrot /3 dogs.

but since the copd i just cant cope with the hair from them.........

has anyone else had any problems?

as i do miss my pets loads.

Gidge profile image

Remember Yoda the bunny? We were inspected on Sunday and given the go-ahead to 'mix' him with Pebbles at the RSPCA shelter. The plan is for him to be there about a week whilst they test their compatability. Duly took him there this afternoon - he was put in a run and promptly jumped out over the top - 3 times!!! luckily we got him back, and Pebbles was popped in with him. Boy, does Yoda have problems! He jumped on her and started humping away - between her ears!! he got he wrong end - literally. Tried it twice but she was having none of it, understandably, and there was a whirling heap of flying fur for a few minutes. They settled down and we ( my 12 year old grand daughter was with me - not sure what she made of it all) left them to it - bless him, he will be in a hutch on his own tonight then re-introduced tomorrow. I can see him coming home early from his hols at this rate. Watch this space.......

dee1311 profile image

I have 5 cats, Fluffy, Smudge, Dorito, Wotsit and Titch (Mum and 4 sons) and a rabbit called Thunder.

soothsayer profile image

I did have a dog called Beamer but sadly he passed away a few months ago. He was a rescue dog and was a great friend for 5 years. He didnt rescue people, i got him from a sanctuary. He had major organ failure. We did used to walk for miles but lately with the onset (the last 12 months) I found it more and more difficult to walk as far. Ive not decided wether or not to get another dog, lord knows there are plenty who need a home but we'll see. I have only just joined the site so Hi!

TheOtherDragon profile image
TheOtherDragon in reply tosoothsayer

hi nice to meet you.

lillie01 profile image

Hi.yes i have 3 Lhassa-Apso,s .and i find walking them now is very tiring as i have COPD Diabetes and Angina and other things hubby doennt understand how difficult it is when one has COPD ..

poeticlady profile image

I have a Chihuahua Jasper,he will be 4 on tuesday,and his a little diamond,full of life and energy,brilliant with the grandchildren,and he doesn't need lots of exercise,although hubby does take him out on his walks.when i' having a rough day he seems too sense it and cuddles me.with is what we need sometimes,x

sue930 profile image

Hi, l have 5 cats and two dogs , the two dogs are really my sons but he kindly left them for me to look after when he finally got his flat and could not take them with him!!!l am being a bit sarky l know, one l can barely manage but two!!! luckily my husband walks them twice a day as he needs to loose weight anyways.My five cats are the loves of my life, always had cats, could never see myself living without them.

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