Not completely related to my lungs and their rubbishness but we all know that they have this habit of restricting what we are able to do. If they were a football team I wouldn't think twice about roundly booing them, but they aren't. I'm stuck with them and they won't get any better...
So I have decided I am going to fight them a little. I said I had joined a gym ( I have, but my induction isn't until early September), but since March i have been going swimming to a private pool on a weekly basis with my mum (who is a COPD) sufferer. However I have been wanting to go more and more often so on Monday night after working up to it for an age, I went to the local public swimming pool and I went swimming!
Nothing odd in this you would think but its been 30 years since I have been in a public pool and I am nowhere near sylphlike so I was terrified. Guess what though, nobody gave a toss! They were all there to swim like I was! I did 600m, not bad but I usually manage closer to 1000 (but thats usually in the mornings when I feel fitter).
One thing about having lungs like ours - you don't need to tread water - you just bob along, even in the deep end...
I am hoping to go back tonight!