Welcome to the British Lung Foundation in the North! We cover a large region in the North East and Yorkshire and Humber, 7.6 million people. We're working hard to ensure respiratory care is top of NHS funding agendas and at the same time spreading the word about BLF support services that are available to those who need them. We have 29 Breathe Easy support groups and 20 BLF Nurses. We're also keen to spread the word about the BLF Helpline to more people as callers to the Helpline can then be signposted to other BLF services and information.
BLF North Region is working with both NHS North East and NHS Yorkshire and The Humber Respiratory Steering Groups and GP Commissioning Consortia across the region. If you have any particular issues or would like to get in touch please do so. I'm Bev Wears, BLF Support & Development Manager and together with my colleagues Lisa Wells, BLF Development Officer and Margaret Richardson, Regional Administrator, we are here to help.