Hello I am on 15hrs a day oxygen my levels go between 89 and 92 on 3ltrs an hour .when off oxygen its between 82 and 86. So I would like to know what I should do when off oxygen for the 9 hrs?
Hi 15 hr Oxygen: Hello I am on 15hrs a... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi 15 hr Oxygen

hi andyput. I expect the 9 hours you’re off oxygen is when you’re in bed relaxing and sleeping?
very simply , do not go without the 3.0 liter oxygen. Once you go under 87 or 88 oxygen saturation you are starving your organs of the oxygenated blood they require. Do not do this. Use your necessary oxygen and feel much better and likely live longer. Best Wishes, judg69
Do your doctors know your levels when not on oxygen? If not please contact them it sounds like you should be reassessed from information you have given us. Don’t just increase your oxygen. Oxygen is the same as any other prescription and there maybe reasons you aren’t on oxygen 24hrs that we don’t know about. But generally oxygen levels should be over 88.
In the kindest way, please ignore the responses stating what your levels should be. If you are on long term oxygen you doctors will normally inform you of the normal for your body (everyone is different). If you are concerned with the time off it please contact the team looking after you and express your concerns or queries and contact asthma lung uk as they can point you in the right direction. For some people having too much oxygen is not a great thing, as over time the body adapts and gets used to having lower levels. The lowest i have seen in a person who was fully able to do daily activity (within their means) was 75% due to a complex history and the amazing way the body works. They had a warning card stating this was their level, and that any treatment should bring it to this level, and not above as its not good for the body with too much.
H Andy, I was prescribed 16 hours of oxygen for a few months last year and that included sleeping. I needed to be at rest, doing nothing for the other 8 hours which I found impossible. This meant I was obviously using oxygen for longer that 8 hours which I was told was fine. I would definitely give your team a call for advice as everybody's conditions and needs are different.
You need to talk to your respiratory team about your levels and what to do when not on oxygen. They know your medical history and background. We don’t.
yes I agree you should discuss with your Dr or respiratory specialist. Yes there are some possible reasons you might be advised against increasing O2 usage . But again unless you are one of those relatively rare individuals, I would expect your Dr will prescribe additional oxygen. Best Regards, judg69
Hi AndyputI am on 15 hours minimum oxygen a day but I use a it a lot more than that. Do you use it overnight?
You really need to get back on to your respiratory team and ask them to clarify this. Your oxygen 'free' time should be when you are at rest, maybe in the evening watching tv or something. As others have said, everyone is different so you need to check it out. If you are on Facebook check out the group At Home With Oxygen UK for support, chat, hints and tips from other oxygen users.
All the best
My understanding is that we can do the15 hours on within the 24 hr day. So I do mine (from choice ) between 6 pm - the through the night through to ) 9 am. It works for me. I could do the 15 hrs in chunks of time if I wanted to.
I have separate oxygen prescription for ambulatory oxygen.
Research shows that 15 hrs has the same results as 24hrs and is easier tolerate.
Check with your oxygen prescriber for clarity though.
Let us know how you get on won’t you
Go well
Hi Andy. Just to echo what others have said, please get advice from the surgery that prescribed your oxygen. A review is in order. If you happen to be one of those people who retain carbon dioxide (like me) then increasing your oxygen without guidance is definitely not advisable. 🙋🐶