Sort of struggling...: I am really... - Lung Conditions C...

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Sort of struggling...

Willow7733 profile image
40 Replies

I am really enjoying training this new hire at the hospital I work in. We have fun, but she is a very heavy smoker and it is very strong in her clothes. Not her fault, she smokes and that is what happens. But, I am going home every single day having a really hard time breathing. I can't afford to get sick as I have no time left (I also have problems with puk.inary embolisms and my time is take. By that and appointments for specialists). My lung function is down to 41%. I thought I could tough it out and just get through this week, but here we are at Wednesday, and I am struggling so hard. And yesterday, she told my boss she is having so much fun training with me, she wants another four weeks!!! I don't know what to do. I really want to go home early today. I don't want to hamper her training, but omg....

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Willow7733 profile image
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40 Replies
sassy59 profile image

You need to speak with your boss and the person in question as your health is very important and it’s being compromised. You shouldn’t have to put up with this and have to speak up.

Good luck to you. Xxx👍🤞🏼

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply tosassy59

Should I just try to tough it out to.orrow and Friday? This is crazy. People in the department go nuts if you have scented anything - even gym! The only reason I thi k people haven't said anything is because she is the daughter of the head of the clique.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toWillow7733

In a word “no.” She should really know better and try to stop smoking. Your health is being affected so no matter who’s daughter she is you need to nip this in the bud now. Xxx

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply tosassy59

I don't even know how to start with my boss. They know about my lung problems though.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toWillow7733

Just tell your boss how you’re feeling and how the constant smoky smell is making you ill. Xx

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply tosassy59

I am scared this will end up bad for me. I will have to figure out a way to talk to my boss. I was going to not go I. For the next two days, but that will only push her time with me longer.

peege profile image

Speak to your boss immediately s/he must know about your lung function grrrr! I'd also have a word with the smoky person, surely in a hospital setting she must be informed of how much the stench - oh sorry, I mean the delicate aroma of toxic cigarettes affects lung compromised people . Explain you cannot breathe properly because of the smoke in her clothes she smoking in a car with the windows shut?

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply topeege

She does on her way to work, and then goes out to smoke around 5 times a shift.

peege profile image
peege in reply toWillow7733

I just noticed on your profile that you're in Canada, perhaps laws on smoking, breaks and employee protection are different there. I notice also that you work in neonatal and ER (A&E here in UK, Accident & Emergency) surely this person isn't polluting the atmosphere for newborns?

Can you wear a protective mask? We have a different health and employment system/ rules here , our National Health Service is so stretched people are lucky to get one break per shift and smoking rooms have been banned for years. Smoking in hospital grounds is also against the law.

In my personal opinion you're too kind to others and need to put your own health first or you won't be able to work at all (perhaps your trainee will inherit your job)! If when you've spoken with your boss there's no support seek advice from your union.

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply topeege

No, I am training her in the ER. In Canada, the laws are the same. They have a spot outside the hospital, and away from the building, they all smoke at, and some go smoke in their cars. I am going to go speak to my boss today. She isn't supposed to be going out that often, but those who smoke do. The boss doesn't see them go out.

peege profile image
peege in reply toWillow7733

I totally understand your difficult situation however, you have your human rights too, good luck. You're not alone, my airways inflame at the slightest whiff of cigarette smoke out in the street, I hold my breath & move away as quickly as poss before I take a breath or pull my clothes over my nose. Vapes are awful too.

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply topeege

Omg it is so bad. And people don't realize what is happening because they can't see it. My lung function is so low right now that it makes it so difficult to do anything.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply topeege

Well summarised Peege.

Swizzy profile image

How on earth does she manage to get 5 breaks in a shift to smoke! That can't be in her contract. Your health is far more important than her filthy habit and smoking was banned on work premises years ago which puts your boss in trouble for allowing it to happen. I agree with the others. You really must put your foot down and tell her and your boss that you will not tolerate it or allow her habit and their tolerance of it to ruin your health.

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply toSwizzy

I am even debating on going in tomorrow. I feel so off. But I only have tomorrow and Friday, then off for a long weekend (it is our Thanksgiving,). I don't want to be the person who doesn't show up when they are training someone. But....

Swizzy profile image
Swizzy in reply toWillow7733

If you just don't show up with no explanation you will look in the wrong. This is why you really need to speak to them and state your case. If they then refuse to accomodate your needs you will be within your rights to protect your health.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toWillow7733

It seems to me this person is favoured by your boss. And you say her boss is her father. Everyone is telling you to speak to your boss. He is compromising your health and others. Just do it - speak to your boss and if need be report your boss. This would not be tolerated in the UK.

Rosydays profile image

This is so unpleasant for you.Can you explain to your boss how you feel and how this is affecting your health ? If you can, speak to your boss in the same way as you’ve explained to us on the forum. It’s awful that someone else’s choices are affecting your heath. I would think that especially in a hospital setting this person needs to seriously think about their own choices regarding their own personal habits and how they affect other people- patients and co-workers. Please let us know how you get on. Your message popped up first this morning and I’ll be thinking about you. What a horrible situation for you to be in but you can advocate for yourself. Wishing you strength.

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply toRosydays

Thank you so much, it is such a difficult situation because she is the daughter of someone in the department that gets her way all the time. And to go to the boss for this (which is a sensitive subject since the laws changed and the ban on smoking too effect, they will take it as I am not wanting to train her - and that is not the case). This job I am training her for is a very busy one. With al km her breaks, she is only getting half the training, and when it is over and she is not ready, guess who will be blamed. Nobody else wanted to do it so it falls in me.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toWillow7733

They will take it as your health is being compromised.

Izb1 profile image

It's a very difficult situation you are in and I sympathise with you. Taking on your boss because of her contact with this girl is hard but your health is more important. I would talk this through with both of them explaining how this affecting you. Good luck x

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply toIzb1

I think today my boss wants to meet with me to discuss how she is doing. Yesterday she was talking to her, and told her she thinks she needs three more weeks with me. I just stood there thinking "oh God no!!". I am in such a bad situation. Her second day with me two weeks ago, I had her sit at a station right next to mine, so I can get some charting done and get a break from the smoke. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, she was there, her mother was there, and they had the boss come down. They ran to the boss to get me in trouble because she was sitting next to me - not with me at my desk. Everything I do is under a microscope by her mother and the clique of friends she has in the department. Yesterday, you wouldn't believe the side eye looks I was getting as I was training this girl.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toWillow7733

Oh dear this doesn't sound good, far too much interference going on there. Your boss really needs to tackle this. I would tell your boss how you feel and let her deal with it, go back to her if you feel any repercussions x

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply toWillow7733

This is ridiculous!it is really hard working within a click,that Yr not part of >(( you've 2 choices - 1. Go off sick until you feel better,your health comes first.let one of the other's train her 2. Have a word with her about i) impact of smoke on you ea night ii) she's having too many breaks - tell her what she is allowedIf it doesn't change, after talking to her,you'll have to go to yr boss

Jacorandax profile image

Do you have a human resource department or a personnel department. They should help to deal with any member of staff who smells. Your complaint should be dealt with confidentiality. You can’t be the only person noticing the horrid aroma. It’s no different to having a staff member with chronic B.O.

Lee_Scoresby profile image

This is assault. Are you not protected by law from assault?

Wendywiffle80 profile image

Until I stopped smoking I didnt realise how much I smelt of nicotine and how the smell clung to my cloths, it makes me feel sick now and I realise how offensive it is to other people and can be damaging to people like ourselves. I honestly would have been grateful for someone to tell me as no way can you smell it yourself, Maybe in a very tactful way you could speak to her as I dont suppose she even realises she smells and maybe would be grateful for your honesty as others she associates with must smell it as well. Dont suffer in silence and I do hope the situation can be resolved.

Lupaal profile image

Surely this is also a health hazard to patients. How awful to come into hospital feeling ill and to be treated by someone stinking of smoke. Doesn't anyone else smell it?

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toLupaal

Spot on. It's a disgraceful situation.

Keem59 profile image

I'd be putting yourself first..Have a word with your boss.

Nula2 profile image

Very hard situation for you. Maybe try going for your own 5 breaks per shift away from the smokers and make sure your boss is aware you are doing this and when he challenges you about it explain you're having to get some air to help you cope with your breathing. Or maybe you could have a tactful word with the trainee and explain how her smoking is affecting you. If she cares about you at all she surely will take this onboard xxx

PaulineHM profile image

I feel for you Willow ,this must be horrible for you not so safe either.

Have you considered this to be a Health and Safety issue at all ? 3rd hand smoke can be pretty dangerous.

Hope you get it sorted soon.

Go well,


jackdup profile image

I suspect she doesn’t realize her clothes smell that strongly as most smokers don’t realize that. Maybe just approaching her in a very polite manner may solve the problem without ruffling any feathers. I think if you just tell her you like her and really am enjoying training her but you have lung disease and the strong smell of smoke on her clothes is really effecting your breathing . I know when I still smoked, if I knew my smoking bothered others, I would have found a way to deal with it and I would never want to put someone in that situation. I would feel better if you talked to me directly rather than going above my head to talk to my supervisor. If that doesn’t solve the problem you may be forced to talk to her supervisor. Maybe if she wore a sweater when she had a cig and then took it off after would prevent her clothes from smelling?

Good luck and hope you find a suitable solution.

Willow7733 profile image
Willow7733 in reply tojackdup

I think the easiest way is to just put up with it.

jackdup profile image

Perhaps but I know when I smoked I wouldn’t have been offended if asked politely or respectfully because as I say i didn’t realize how badly one’s clothes smelled until I quit smoking.

Troilus profile image

Hi Willow.You are in a very difficult situation, but it seems you have built a good relationship with this person. Might you have a word with her? Tell her how much you have loved working with her, but that you are finding it very difficult because of your lung condition and the smell of smoking on her clothing is causing you problems? Maybe, between you you can come to a solution? I’m thinking she might offer not to smoke at work or offer to smoke in the open air, maybe wear a coat and hat or something to prevent the smoke getting to her clothing? In all likelihood she doesn’t realise how much it sticks to your clothing (I know I didn’t until I had stopped and stood in a queue behind someone who must have been smoking) She also might not be aware that the smell on clothing can have an adverse effect on people - most people think it is just the actual smoke.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toTroilus

That is really good advice Troilus.

strongmouse profile image

Presumably smoking is not allowed in the hospital? If so she could bring a change of non-smokey clothes to wear at the hospital. In the same way that scent effects some people, smoke does too. It is totally reasonable to point this out - maybe as 'part of her training'? Pointing out the need to make adjustments and to protect patients and staff from adverse effects.

As Troilus has said she is probably unaware that the smell clings to her clothes.

Willow7733 profile image

so I went n this morning with the full intention of talking to my co worker about my having difficulty breathing from the smoke smell on her clothes, but I can’t. She is such a nice person, and she gets offended real easy. I am just going to have to deal with it. Tomorrow is the last day I am with her for a while. But she did ask for three more weeks with me. Next week I will have to speak up and say something.

Mac15 profile image

I think your initial chat should be with the trainee. Just explain your medical condition to her and see how she responds. Her decision may be that she doesn't continue her training with you for another four weeks or that she declines from smoking during work hours. (Keep her busy.)At least give her the chance to make the appropriate decision.

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