Dupixent: copdnewstoday.com/news/dupi... - Lung Conditions C...
Now approved in the EU. When it will be approved here is another matter.
Good news but when they develop new drugs that can help, why do you have to be at death's door before they will give it to you?
It's the same for my husband. There's a brilliant new drug that will help with his cancer but he has to plod through chemo sessions first to prove that they aren't enough for him when they already know that.
At what stage do you come under ‘uncontrolled COPD’ what defines it. Do you have to wait till your near deaths door before you are eligible…..That’s if we ever get it in this country !!!!
I would be interested to know .
it is encouraging to see new drugs being developed but wish their information would give a bit more detail. The article states “reduce COPD exacerbations and improve lung function” but they seldom quantify it. I know everyone is different and we respond to inhalers differently, but they could say average lung function improvement was 5% or 10% or whatever so a person has an idea just how much difference it may make.
it’s a “bialogic” and already in use in the UK for eczema, and as for a lot of these bialogics they also help with other diseases. Unfortunately bialogics are not suitable for everyone and there tends to be a lot of hoops to jump through to get them.