Hello,I'm not sure if I'm in the right community.I have been suffering with Tinnitus for the last six months, its unbearable at times especially at night when it's quieter.I do believe that it was a new BP med.called Ibersartan which I was prescribed around that time,I'm hoping that someone can give me some help or advice as to how I can get ease from this thankyou.
TINNITUS HELP PLEASE: Hello,I'm not... - Lung Conditions C...

I have tinnitus too. It varies on severity and has good and bad phases. I usually avoid quiet, so I have an air purifier on by night which is great for my allergies and blocking the tinnitus noise. By day I have the radio or a tv show on my pad playing. I tend to avoid anywhere with a lot of high noise and eating out with chinking cutlery and crockery is now a rare event for me.
Is it possible to be changed to a different med to see if it helps? Might be worth asking your GP.
Ihave a sound oasis ,really helps at night , look on amazon there are all sorts on there, hope you find something.
Thankyou Whit for your reply I will certainly take a look on Amazon.
Good morning, did you look for sound oasis?
Hi whit,I went to the Audio clinic last week,thankfully my hearing is fine,they said a hearing aid sometimes helps with Tinnitus but it wouldn't be of any benefit for me,I didn't look for anything else yet but I will as the Tinnitus isn't easing at all,I have an app.with a Councillor as I have anxiety, she suggested that cognitive therapy can help.thankyou for inquiring.may I ask is the sound if the sound oasis is still helping you?
I hope you are off these meds now. I was put on Losartan many years ago and developed a cough straight away that took over a year to get rid of. I had a bout of tinnitus again years ago and went to see a chinese herbalist, not sure now what they gave me but it helped . I hope you get some relief from this horrid condition x
Hi Izb1,thankyou for your reply,I'm hoping my gp rings me today so I can explain and get my meds. Changed,I also have developed a cough in the last month or so but didn't relate it to my meds.I also take another BP med.called Lercanidipine,its soo hard to get the right meds. That suit,maybe I will try a Chinese herbalist,might get more help there.
I use the radio to help with mine.
My tinnitus got worse when one of my ears was totally blocked. It's getting somewhat better as the ear wax softens and I hope that microsuction tomorrow will make it better still.
I have had Tinnitus for far longer than I would like but mine is due to noise damage. I am what is known as Ski sloop Deafness I fall off very quickly at a set noise level. I think that with me having it for so long now I have got used to it? I now have hearing aids that help with the tinnitus. But I do not sleep with them in and I agree that is the worst time as the room is quiet and the continuous ring is there. I would suggest a visit to the GP for a possible change of meds or even a referral to the hearing centre near you?
Be Well
Hi Offcut,thankyou for replying, it just so happens that I'm going to see an Audiologist on Monday after a wait of almost one year.Im not sure exactly how they will help but I'm praying they can do something. I'm still waiting on my gp to ring me back since this morning to talk about changing my BP meds.
Hey Offcut good to hear from you again. I’m not here everyday so may have missed some of your posts but it seems you haven’t posted for sometime, I hope you are doing okay.
Hi Jackup. No, I have not been on as much as I used to, I have been involved in all sorts of projects and events. We pick up the Granddaughter every Monday from her school and seem to be doing something that interferes with my "Computer habit" most days. I bought a 3d printer over a year ago and that distracts me from most things except fishing I did get a little despondent with HU as it seemed to have a lot of Trolls and it seemed to be more "Woke" (want of a better word) than I liked. To disagree is not Hate!
I am plodding on quite well even though I am still getting unusual problems that put me in hospital for a few days I am participating more with the PH community as most of my issues seem to go to back to that condition phauk.org/ph-day-uk/
Sorry, this turned into a rant
Be Well
Not really a rant, just expressing your opinion. Glad to hear you are getting along okay for the most part. A few years ago when 3-D printing emerged we heard stories that soon they would be able to print human tissue and that would expand to printing organs but that hope seems to have faded away, but I’m sure you are enjoying yours just the same.
My wife has chronic tinnitus and she is on two Facebook support groups, Tinnitus Community Group, Tinnitus Support, there is also a website Tinnitus UK. She gets lots of good advice and info on these groups
Hi Biker88 thankyou for replying, I'm not on fb now but I will certainly look at the Tinnitus website,may I ask if your wife's Tinnitus was a result of meds.which I believe is the cause of mine.
We suspect it was a rough chiropractor who triggered the tinnitus when manipulating her head and neck