As I am sure a few of you will know I am really badly plagued with copious mucus , I'm having terrible digestion and bowel problems (sorry) but when I need the loo I can barely breath once I've been it eases the breathing is this normal , my upper gut is so uncomfortable, anyone else like this 😱Xx
More trouble help please: As I am sure... - Lung Conditions C...
More trouble help please

Hi Carol, when your stomach and bowels are full it does interfere with your diaphragm's movement so making breathing harder, constipation is definitely to be avoided for this reason. Some people have problems with Carbocisteine and their stomachs .
Ihi 2grays, I have bronchiectasis and emphysema and I am really struggling with the mucus it feels like it's clogging everything up I'm so uncomfortable everywhere, I do take one or two carbocystien a day to keep the mucus thinner if I take anymore I'm drowning too it's a joke existing like this every days a battle sorry I'm winging, thanks for reply xx
Hi Carol, why not give the BLF nurses a ring tomorrow? They are excellent and may be able to suggest something to help or someone to see about it. The number is 03000 030 555.
You have every right to be upset Carole. I've suffered years of sever post nasal drip, that had me coughing up copious amounts of mucus, it often made me vomit.
I really don't what to suggest except asking your Docter to investigate further because the stomach and bowel problems sounds like it could be connected to the mucus.
There must be something they do to help ease this mucus, nobody should have to suffer like this, it's too distressing. xx
I know it's soul destroying it's just so disabilitating , I'm living on a knifes edge all the time with the damn stuff surely someone could shed some light and help me , they are doing some kind of test on my gullet on the 28th of this month with a 24 hr monitor in place I'm dreading it my fear and anxiety will be off the Richter scale but if it finds the answer than brill, I'm literally drowning some days , thanks Casper xx
My son had that test for severe gerd. He had the most horrible, rasping cough I've ever heard and he has never smoked.
I thought he'd find it uncomfortable as hell but, he said it wasn't bad at all so, try not to work yourself up about it.
It's worth it, if it gets to the bottom of what is causing all the mucous. xx
Yes - but take lots of water and vegetables and that will help also go for a daily walk as far as you can . Good luck
Hi Carol I've had these exact symptoms - its rare - but I got it sorted.
Let's see if it could be exactly the same, if it is it's an easy cure: What makes it feel worse, eating dark green veg, sprouts, cabbage, salad? Worse when you lie down? Feeling bloated? Does lots of belching bring any relief?
What inhalers are you on? Are you on proton pump inhibitor, Omeprazole or similar? Are you on Prednisalone?
Hi soulsaver, it doesn't seem to matter what I eat but while I lay in bed at night my breathing is quite good, but as soon as I sit up then it starts to come up to the back of my throats and I can barely breath once I've wretched it out for a couple of hours I can move around again for a while, I have taken quite a few points at present on pantaprazole, I can't say I feel bloated but my upper stomach feels really uncomfortable as if there is no room, I have had a couple of 4 week courses on predisolone but they didn't slow it down much either, if I nod of for half hour same happens I'm beginning to dread going to sleep, what did yours turn out to be. Xx carol
Hi soulsaver definitely loads more belching too xx
Maybe not same, read some of your earlier posts - sounds like an awful time. I wasn't as bad as you describe. What inhalers you on?
Hi , ultibro and salbutamol , what did yours turn out to be soulsaver xx
Now obviously I don't know this is causing any of your problem, or maybe adding to it, but hopefully: Eventually, (2+ years) I discovered my similar symptoms was caused by Spiriva (Tiotropium). It was 'freezing' the smooth muscle (peristalsis) in my small intestine immediately below my stomach.
It didn't feel like constipation, but was relieved by taking a laxative; worsened by eating various substances like cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, coffee, raw onion, garlic, vegetable oil (chips) etc.
Freshly juiced carrot helped, relieved the oesophagus and had laxative properties.. and was a temporary relief but eventually I spotted the link to the Spiriva.
It felt like pressure from my swollen stomache had collapsed part of my lung and about 30 minutes of belching would eventually help relieve the pressure and I could cough up trapped phlegm.
I had a chest xray during an 'attack'. It showed a plate atelectasis - a partial collapse/flattening of the lung. This caused trapped air, and created increased mucous which I couldn't get rid off while the collapse shut off the exit route.. but belching out the gas took the pressure off, and enabled me to cough it up.. until it returned after I ate again.
So? Well, I stopped taking Spiriva and things got hugely better, but breathing wasn't quite so good on just salbutemol. GP put me on glycopyrronium bromide (Seebri Breezhaler).. and in a few days the problems were back again.. but went when I stopped taking it!
Now then...your Ultibro is the same - glycopyrronium bromide!
I've been ok now for well over a year, thank god, and the mucous is all but gone & no more PND.. unless I get a chest infection. I use Formoterol twice daily rather tha Spiriva or Seebri & don't get the problems. BUT I did get a little bit better breathing with Spiriva -
so note: my COPD emphysema condition was diagnosed 'mild' on CT scan, so be careful if you're more impaired, but I'd certainly discuss trying one of the 12 hour inhalers - formoterol for example with your GP/consultant.
I really hope a change will help you big time as it did me... It was LITERALLY a life saver.
Best wishes.
PS If this is part of your problems, it will take a week or so for its immediate affects to get out of your system, so don't give up after a day. And if successful it will continue to improve in the longer term.
Let us know how you do.
God soulsaver, I can't believe everything you have put here I can really relate to, and you are right it did all start when I had changes in my inhalers, I am definitely going to docs this week and have a discussion about this something has to happen I cannot go on like this thanks o much for information, I will let you know how I get on xx
Good Morning Carolg1, Hope this might help. I lived with all of the symptoms you describe - until I changed how I ate. I put 8 pennies on the window sill to remind me to drink 8 large glasses of water a day - Keeping a glass by the bed when I woke up at night. I eat 6 small meals a day. The largest at breakfast - dwindling down until 5. Nothing after 6. I try to stand while I am drinking the water. I think I swish when I walk. In any event, after a year of this practice - the mucus and the constipation problem has lessen greatly.
When I fall off this regimen - I can see the difference. Wishing you success. Winterhill
When I feel a bowel movement coming on I often experience anxiety and my breathlessness increases until after I have evacuation. This started after my 3 weeks in Intensive Care 18 months ago when I suffered pneumonia and respiratory failure. If you think about it you stop breathing when you have a movement. I use :Lactose to make life easier.
Sounds like you have something else going on.
You could have an unknown allergy to a certain food, such as dairy products. Have you tried eliminating dairy or certain grains?
There are several illnesses that can cause your problems (GERD, Chrones, etc).
Best bet is to talk to your doctor and have some testing done.