Hi again, I have an Imogen portable concentrator supplied by nhs but can't take it out of UK, does anyone on here fly with theirs. I'm on a pulse . I don't need when sitting but when walking sats drop so I should really use it . any suggestions please or experiences x
Concentrators: Hi again, I have an... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Currygirl,
When I had an Inogen one G3 and used to travel regularly to Spain then I bought my own machine. I believe they can be hired for travel if that suits you better. You can contact 02 equipment companies via Google.
Have you had a hypoxic challenge test ? This is where they assess your oxygen levels for flying so you will know if you need 02 in flight.
You will probably need a fit to fly letter from a GP as well.
Let us know how you get on.
Wishing you well,
Thank you for your reply, not flying yet but want to be prepared am going in for a knee replacement Wednesday x probably best to buy one for travel then as I can't take my inogen one abroad as its NHS x
I always thought the Inogen was acceptable on flights. I have one but can’t get my doctor to give me a fit to fly letter. So I’m stuck here in Cyprus but have had to come to terms with not visiting UK ever again. 😢 but I’m looking into the possibility of a cruise.
Yes, the Inogen One G3 is definitely fine for flying, I haven’t been abroad with it we flew to Cornwall in 2018, I had booked for Gran Canaria in March 2020 then Pandemic hit and it was cancelled.
When flying you need enough battery time to last one and a half times your journey to your destination, you will also need to factor the amount of time in the getting to the airport and the time before you board the plane, so you probably need need two fully charged 16 cell batteries for the G3 to be on the safe side.
Also don’t forget you can’t sleep using the G3 or any Pulse Dose oxygen concentrator, the method of oxygen delivery is not suitable for sleeping, Pulse Dose oxygen delivery is triggered by your body’s pulse, for sleeping you need Continuous Flow oxygen which is basically on until you take the Cannula/Mask off.
I hope I have been some help.
I wanted to wish you good luck on your knee replacement surgery tomorrow !! Will be thinking about you! Mine had to be cancelled once again due to back pain... doctor said with the back pain it could be an issue with the post surgical PT. So I am seeing a Physiatrist so find out the root of the back pain... I am pretty sure it's arthritis in lower spine.... hopefully some PT will help as I just want to get this knee taken care of. Miss my long walks! So..... good luck and please let me know how you are doing xx