Well my husband wrangled the surgery's 'highly trained call handlers' into giving me a gp appointment. That gp then made an appointment for me to see the gp who wrote the letter. (She used to be my gp when we had our own named gp) She admitted she'd 'misunderstood ' things, 'didn't always read consultant's letters' and was 'sorry for any confusion'. Confusion! I've barely slept since receiving her letter. Hopefully I've confirmed meds and plans with her now. She was over the top friendly, trying to avoid an official complaint we think. As we left she said how nice it was to see me and she'd enjoyed our chat, I replied I won't be making a habit of it! If this has happened to me how many other patients are being let down, in that surgery and across England? I know many on here are not getting the care they need and deserve. And getting to see a gp shouldn't be so difficult. Thankyou for all of your supportive posts, they really help and make a difference, as Don's poem so eloquently says. Have a good day.
Venting update. : Well my husband... - Lung Conditions C...
Venting update.

It’s so difficult to get a GP appointment face to face these days but I’m pleased you had one. Well done to your husband.
Enjoy your day xxx
It's nigh on impossible! The trouble is its very wearing and so easy to want to give in.
It is so tiring and as you say it feels easier not to "bother them" and just try to get through it. Well done your hubby 👍🙂xxx
What a nightmare for you .. at least its some way to being resolved and in time everything will work itself out ...I would love to have been the fly on the wall when you replied you won't be making a habit of it ...
there's something rebellious about ppl that have upset you previously to being too nicey nicey ... I enjoy watching them squirm just a little bit ..🙈
Take care of you ❤️

Thankyou. Sometimes, just sometimes, I forget how 'nicely' I was brought up.🤣
I'm sure you were and how still very nice you are 😂😂😂

Thank-you.☺ I was brought up in an atmosphere of 'ladies don't make a fuss'. Well this one does now, if necessary.

I had a physician who blew me off after having given me a near psychotic episode from a medication that interacted with one I took regularly. Think Xanax and theophylline. Xanax for severe back pain, no less 🤬.
The next time I saw him after having a pneumothorax, he walked in wanting to shake my hand. I just stared at him and he excused himself briefly (to actually read my chart) and about fell over himself trying to ingratiate himself. Had it been less serious and anyone else available, I would have walked the other way.
🕊hugs to you and Stan🐾
A big well done to your husband karenanne. Can I borrow him? We got a letter from my husband’s consultant today telling him he needed to go onto a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation to avoid another stroke and to book an appointment with his GP to discuss the potions. (Potions came up as auto correct for options but I rather like it😁)
Can I get an appointment. No. Not even a telephone appointment. So I’m up with the birds in the morning to ring the surgery and sit listening to not so nice music for hours.
Maybe I’ll send them a playlist!
I’m so glad that you’ve been seen! And heard! Loud and clear, hopefully.
Delighted that you have been seen at last .Well done you your husband.
Hi Karen, sorry to hear about your experience, hopefully things will better now after your GP visit.
We’ve had similar issues as my Dads consultant left, the letters he had sent to the GP to prescribe certain meds had been placed in the wrong file by the GP surgery so was never prescribed.
It was only when we were able to get email addresses for both the lung specialist and the GP have we managed to see some traction and an actual treatment plan put in place, which over a year after diagnosis, started yesterday. I think having concerns put in writing so that there is an audit trail is always a good thing.
Thankfully the last letter the consultant sent was copied into my Dad so we knew what the GP had been told, so when they hadn’t actioned it we were all over them.
BTW my Dad was prescribed low dose morphine for his breathlessness which is also an opiate. It does mean he can no longer enjoy a glass of wine but he’s hoping it will help him.
Hope you and your husband have now sorted matters.
I'm sorry it's happened to your Dad too. All my letters are copied to me. I appreciate it's hard to condense a whole day of tests and discussions into a couple of pages but the gp should read at least have read them. Then she should have contacted the author if she was 'confused'. Fingers crossed its sorted now. I was offered morphine but last time I had it I was allergic, this one is helping though.
Well done! I knew there was a good reason to get a husband!
So pleased you got sorted in the end. I am so sick of people just not doing their jobs properly, especially when dealing with people in the medical profession. Ok everybody makes mistakes but in their jobs it can be a persons life. I can't help but speak out now when I come across this, I don't get to the point of reporting them but do let them know how i feel and think maybe this will make them realise how costly their mistake can be x
There does seem to be a general air of people not bothering doesn't there? But as you say in some professions it can be fatal. I was prepared to take the issue further but wanted to see if it could be resolved first. Our gp surgery are in such a mess. A song and dance was made cuz I turned up early for the appointment! My husband had his pneumonia jab booked ages ago and my appointment was offered close to his so of course we went in time for his. I don't know why it was a problem the waiting room was empty!
I think they just get over zealous with rules although it doesn't seem to be a two way street. I enquired once where my prescription was as the chemist hadn't received it, they told me it was in the doctors tray, when I asked which doctor I wasn't amused as she had been on maternity leave for over twelve months. Some of the mistakes i can understand as they are so busy but wont be ticked of for arriving early or for being late if its out of my control x
Hi Karenanne61, well done to your husband for persisting to get an appointment, hope all improves for you now. Take Care
Hi, perhaps because I was born with rare condition PCD that affects whole body I can speak to my consultant, or message her secretary, and get help. I’m hopefully seeing my consultant next month if covid and flu levels not high. I haven’t spoken to my Gp for couple of years. It’s now been merged into group practice, not good. Good luck, Jean x
I’m glad you got there & managed to sort a few things out. It’s beyond belief how difficult it is to see a GP these days. X
You should make a complaint anyway as it may continue and will ensure other practice drs take it on board. Hopefully you’ve kept all information about the problem you’ve had.
perfectly understand your reason for holding back to repair yourself and see if further GP problems arise. It’s often a postcode lottery in some areas as we all know. In contrast myself having an illness that can’t be cured, l have nothing but praise for our local surgery, which actively invites patients to attend informal meetings to discuss issues and also provides an e-letter update informing us what’s happening, eg, new doctors and those who have moved on.
It's interesting, and scary, how health care differs under the nhs. We used to have a good surgery but it then merged with a failing surgery under a management company. PML they are called. It seems they ran with the way the failing surgery operated. They print their statistics every month but, as we know, there are lies, damned lies and statistics!
This is our second Drs Practice, which has two separate surgery locations. We quickly enrolled after our long-term one closed through poor results following inspections. Sadly this occurred after our regular drs all retired, some l think having to meet unrealistic mandatory patient numbers to be seen.
It's ridiculous! Why can we only book urgent on the day appointments now? Mostly they are important but not urgent. I felt guilty taking such a slot but that's all our practice offers. So what's happening about your review?
My Mum drummed it into us when younger that it was better to be an hour early than a minute late, so am never late through any fault of my own x
I keep hearing horror stories from my relatives in the U.K. about doctor's appointments and getting things done in general so I am so pleased you finally managed to see her. Things are looking up. Have a lovely weekend Karen. xx ❤️