Saturday 22 .10.22 🧡💛: ❤🧡💛 - Lung Conditions C...
Saturday 22 .10.22 🧡💛

Wonderful Bb9, beautiful to see the ponies. Thank you for sharing. Xxx❤️💕💞
Thankyou Carol🧡
so beautiful. Cannot wait until the 2nd of November when I have my eye operation operation I will be able to see your beautiful pictures.
i love this.beautiful and such lovely colours😍x
A combination of sheer beauty... a picturesque scene of Autumn colours and. grazing ponies. What a peaceful scene.
Thankyou me dear RR it was very peaceful but a damp morning though turned out to be very warm considering the time of year
Oh my goodness, this is a glorious shot. Makes me want to crunch a rosy red apple! Me thinks you planted a mammoth or elephant in the background in order to heighten the persoective,and then i zoomed in to realise it was another horse!
This would be October's picture for me in any calender! And what a calender that would be. Well captured Blackbird9.
I thought the same -,an elephant in the background -,then I cleaned my glasses!!!!
Greenthorn many many thanks ...
Nooo elephants this is the new forest but I would love to photograph the jungle one day ..
never be shy to ask it was morning around 7.45 ish
Stunning -was this taken at sunrise or sunset?
Your pictures always brighten up my day bless you for posting
It was morning very damp start to the day that rolled out into glorious sunshine before last night's thunder ⛈️.. 🧡
As Cloudancer says, your photos brighten the day. Thank you for sharing 👍😊xxx
You've really surpassed yourself, Blackbird, if that is possible. Really, really beautiful. xxxx
Alberta thankyou ever so much 💙
Thank you BB for brightening up a dismal Sunday morning , its a magnificent shot x
Just stunning 😍 What camera do you use BB ?
Nikon D5600 .. all my cameras are Nikon husband keeps buying them for me ...I have no idea how to use them
Glorious picture, thanks.
I’m bit concerned atm, my cat Morrison been missing since 5 o’clock yesterday teatime. Know bit of explorer, may have been shut in somewhere or sheltering from heavy rain, that stopped hour ago. Jean x
oh no hope the moglet returns home soon 😢
Oh I hope he’s back soon 🙏 xx
He’s back, thanks, no idea where he’s been, was dry, came in for food, and as rain stopped off again. Wish he could talk, but may not like all he says. I live near school, wasn’t even planned when bought house. Think all pupils are chauffeured to school, it’s mayhem in morning, so try to keep Morrison in until all cars gone. In afternoon get hundreds of cars parked three quarters hour before school closes, often with engines running, so again if possible keep Morrison in. Thanks for your kind messages, Jean x
Awesome that he's back such a worry when they disappear off ... but very smart to hide out till it was dry and safe ...
very busy area where you live
I’m so pleased and relieved he’s back . We have a lost and found pets group for our town on Facebook and I’m amazed how many cats go missing every day ! Many do return home but some never do and I know I’d just be heartbroken if it was my cat 🥲 Great that Morrisons back where he belongs 🤗 x
many thanks. Yes he’s my companion, but conflicting whose in charge, He likes to decide which way he goes out, so I allow him his choice, as school days have to be boss and keep him in or carry him in at school times. Think he gets bit cross when I force him in, maybe why he went off yesterday, although he’d had choice yesterday morning. Jean x
what a gorgeous shot. Beautiful xx
Came across this tree today and thought of the discussion about fungi from a few days ago Oh how the mind works 🤣x
I hope you didn't have a plastic bag with you 😂😂
isn't this world amazing with all its delights thanks for the pic 📸

No plastic bag in sight 👍
Those ones aren't very good for you anyways ..
I like a nice mushroom 🍄 but from waitrose
Fabulous photo yet again. The colours are surreal
Thankyou so very much
Exquisite - absolutely one of your very best BB
Thanks so very much appreciated 💜
Just came across this. What an amazing photo! Has set me up for the day!
Thankyou ❤️