just heard from the new welfare co-ordinator, or should i say from one her colleagues. I was out at the time usually i wouldnt hear it because of the traffic noise luckily i had in my trouser pocket and it ws a quiet shop so i could hear and had it on vibrate as well. Her colleague is busy at but will get intouch but i told whats been going on and since the other lady left i felt i haf no back up any more and mention what was wrong health wise and the battle with the Rottweilers so they got an idea whats going on. I wondered who was calling because i thought she was up stairs in the office but it came up with age uk they had to explain the realise that i was eondering why they were ringing me. Just rang the drs left a message for her to say the lady been intouch. Tried to book an appointment to have bloods done but got as usual we will book you in and send you your appointment but when next christmas 2023 i dont trust them.
update : just heard from the new... - Lung Conditions C...

I hope the welfare coordinator will jerk the Rottweilers into the action they should have taken ages ago . Your surgery is not giving you the treatment you need and deserve. i wonder how many other poor devils are in the same position. Well done you for not putting up with it. xxx
I told the dr even put a complaint in but no satifaction. See what happens i shoul get appointment before she comes back at least 2 weeks before she does. she told them to make it a later appointment see what happends.See if i see flying pigs when i get my appointment.
They even mucking up my meds they withhold my zoromorph back until the day its due.
Like last wek i couldnt order it on line until sunday so i hold back rest of my meds until but the surgery sent it down on friday without me ordering it which ment i had order my other meds quickly but the didnt send them down until friday 5.30pm so i couldnt get them until monday then i had to wait for my antihistamines and my salbutamol to come in as the chemist didnt have it in stock so i left it until today save making 4 journeys wigh me going to drs i was early so i bobed down to chemist as it was under the doctors down steps i wish they reopen upstairs it was easier for disablec but they do have a bell if you cant get down but ihave to sign my prescriptions so i have to go down stairs
Sounds like a typical day in the life of a disabled person especiallly in respect of prescriptions, do you not have prescriptions delivered? I do it is much easier. Because the Zoromorph is a controlled drug you can't have it before due date and need to sign as you understand. Can't they bring the drugs and the form you need to sign upstairs for you. We have a lift for disabled at our surgery much easier. Blood tests are another long winded process I opt for the early morning ones usually can get one quicker that way. Best wishes for getting all sorted out. xx
No i couldnt get them delivered the chemist is only top of the street not far and during covid lockdown my neighbour few doors up she works at hospital so she picked them up form and she used her hospital id because of the cds i know i could trust her better then anyone else. It gives some exercise unless im got gp appoiment then i leave them until i go up for that as im usually a bit early
Glad some one came up trumps with your prescription during lockdwn, you can have them delivered from other chemists does not have to be your local chemist. My chemist is 30 minutes walk for me so thats why they deliver. When I am ill its too far to go. Used to be Boots in the past but now its the independent chemist next to my surgery. You do need to try and stay calm as stress is bad for you and I guess a trip to the chemist as its not too far helps pass the time of day as long as its not four trips for one prescrition. Take care
I fell out with one i was over 25yrs with thecother across the road because they lost prescriptions with CDs on(ControlDrugs) so i went to top of the street well before covid as i got fed up having to be in the middle trying to get my painkillers niether will admit responsibility of loosing them.I used to collect from drs take into the drop off point in drs entrance they would send them down stairs in alift similar to a dumb waiter if you know what i mean and when ready the send them back up only whish they would reopen it back up. But when covid started they were booked up with deliveries not only that i need to know when and what time they are coming. So i recieve a text from chemist to say they are ready i just go up when quiet and pick up they are open from 8am-6pm mon fri 8-1 sat.
They used to be 9am-11pm mon-sat and sun.11am -11pm. But times have changed.
Sounds best to me for you , even Chemists make mistakes but mine is very good.
I was in the chemist monday waiting for my meds when someone i know who lives near by got to know through his dog wanting a fuss one day he put his slip in over a week ago did hear anything from the chemist so he decided to chase it up and the chemist tried to track it but nothing and it did go upstairs to the surgery but they haven't done it and he's out of meds.So he had to go upstairs to find out whats happened and to get them urgently which will be at 5.45 before the chemist will get it.
My freind is like that she often runs out of tablet before delivery, today they say the delivery man is on holiday.
I hope you can keep plugging away at them. They deserve to be well pestered, but it does take an awful lot of energy. xx
It just stresses me out thats why i been miss the welfare coordinator at surgery she used to chase things up and deal with the Rottweilers. The new one aware of me and her colleague been intouch friday just to let me know and explained to her whats been going on and said im definetly in a bad way. If i grt stressed out i end up head banging and looking for something to smash its that bad.
I'll give my respiratory consultant sec a ring on wed to see whats happening and i tell her already had about 3 lots of steriods i know its only two lots yoj hsve to stretch the truth a bit to get somewhere now a days and also mention it been really bad sknce i weng gof the svsn snd sent me to the wrong one ill metion that and sonce that never been good anyhow. Word of advice if wanting your results or claiming pips always lay it on thick even better if you can get benefit advisor and tell her even mentioned you've been bad then you get a better chance oc getting pips and you might then be able to get any other benefit. I used to be on that long term sick benefit which they stopped and had to go onto esa instead but when i got pips i got a bit extra on esa plus severe disability premium benefit. So you won knos if yoj can get extra money unless you apply and best people orto help is either Cabs benefit advisor or Cab both will keep notes on what been put on to your claims form and what you got as well from next claim.
i hope she will take this on board and get you speedy xxappointments Stress is not good for anyone.