I still have not been able to cough that mucous up. Now my finger oximeter reads 89/39. Then a couple minutes later it goes to 92/77. It’s been doing this for quite some time. Cardiologist wanted to do an eblation. Didnt last long. So now on metoprolol. Hmmm. Anyone relate?
Finger oximeter : I still have not been... - Lung Conditions C...
Finger oximeter

I see you are in the US , here I would advise ringing 111 .Best ask your health professional when you can .
Take care , sorry I can’t be of more help.
I’ve been watching YouTube videos. I found a really great one on heart arrhythmia. Seems the real danger is blood clots if the pulse gets to slow. Also could be pvc or pac or afib. It’s this exacerbation causing things I’ve not experienced before. Most arrythmias are benign. My air ways are structurally damaged so this thick mucus keeps collapsing them and I cough which opens them yet can’t get the mucus out. I’m realizing it’s my copd from alpha one progressing. So I could go down the path of PH, right sided heart failure etc. But after researching. What’s the point. The body can take quite the beating and keep on ticking.
I'd try new battery
I have had times when doing something strenuous my heart can be skipping beats to the point my oximeter reads half of what it should. An oximeter generally takes 20-30 seconds to read your O2 accurately so it could take a bit to stabilize.
Hope you feel better soon. I just started on Xarelto a few months ago because of afib to prevent strokes. Good luck!
Just a thought Maricopa,in case you don't know -Put the gadget on yr finger and leave on until the numbers stabilise - usually a couple of minutes.that is the number u record.
It's best to use same finger same hand ea time
If fingers v cold or numb,it may not b as accurate.
I did still change battery so u have a more accurate reading
Hi Maricopa,I have the same problem, sticky and thick phlegm that is hard to cough up. I am under the care of my GP and a respiratory consultant and they have prescribed a drug called Carbocisteine which has reduced the thickness and can now comfortably cough it up. I see that you are from the US and it might be the drug is not available or had another name, it belongs to a group of drugs called "mucolytics". I have Asbestosis, COPD and as a child had TB.