Welcome to Asthma + Lung UK, two charities have joined together as one to be a powerful force for lung health. You may already know that Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation joined forces at the start of 2020. Since then, we’ve been successfully working together to improve lung health in the UK. The new helpline number is 0300 222 5800 and our website is asthmaandlungsuk.org.uk. We are here to help everyone with a lung condition.
Welcome to Asthma + Lung UK - Lung Conditions C...
Welcome to Asthma + Lung UK

Personally I'm not too keen on new look.british lung foundation looked + sounded more professional.as asthma is just ONE aspect of lung disease,I'd have thought it acceptable to be within BLF,as it was,along with numerous other diseases x
I agree with Patk1 and Don. The new title is clumsy and the new page heading is hideous.
"Both AUK and BLF will retain their individual identities and we’ll continue to research asthma and lung diseases, provide information and support, run our expert helplines, and campaign and develop policy."Part of a statement produced last year by Asthma UK and the BLF had no real need to change the forum if it was going to maintain its individual identity?
Completely agree Don
Dreadful that you didn't think to consult any of us about such a big change. It would seem from this new title that the main topic is about Asthma and some lung issues thrown in as an afterthought.
Had to read about the name change in the press this morning .ALUK?
Many of us here fundraise or financially support the BLF , sad that we weren’t considered or consulted earlier
My gosh , I just noticed the FIGHTING FOR BREATH logo.
Double meaning I guess ……but not a title that I support.
Fighting for breath ….I have suffered many times ….don’t like the reminder . Negative connotations for me sadly .
I really wish you could have asked our opinion first .
One more point …..if BLF is mentioned in Wills or in wishes in Power of Attorney already drawn up , will they have to be altered to ALUK ?
I found the website slow to load and very hard to find things on because there is no search box. I also found that my singing for lung health group, Breathe Better Sing Together, which had been listed on the BLF website, was no longer included on the new website. I have emailed requesting that the entry be reinstated.
Very good point Ergendl. I hadn't noticed that the search box has gone. One wonders why. I hope yo get your singing for lung health group reinstated.
The search box is back now.
Didnt see the point of changing this, as you can see alot of members are not happy with it.
It would be useful, and perhaps more understandable, if the reasons for promoting asthma over other equally serious lung complaints are given. Asthma does seem to be getting a lot of press coverage at the moment whereas, as usual, other lung conditions seem to have very low priority in regard to new research funding.
I just saw the 'fighting for breath' and I think it's awful, and congers up frightening images of lung disease struggles, gasping and wheezing, without any dignity or respect for lung condition sufferers. 'Fighting for Breath' is the end game result when things go poorly. Also, why narrow the main focus of lung diseases to 'asthma'?
I have asthma and spent yesterday lunchtime outside the Sennedd in Cardiff Bay having my photo taken to promote the new name - Asthma and Lung U.K. Wales. 18 Sennedd members came out and had their photos taken to support of our cause. The work, support and research for respiratory conditions will hopefully be even better.
Why would it be better, moreorless?
There has been no such publucity been done by the English government but I personally can't see why work, support and research should be any better than under the previous very professional looking and very well known British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK.
The publicity has been done by the charity and its supporters, not any government. When I said 18 Members of the Sennedd came to support us- they want to get a Clean Air Act through the Sennedd and work towards a more evenly distributed diagnosis system, self management strategies and treatments throughout Wales rather than the post code lottery as it is now. This are cross party policies as respiratory conditions affect so many.
Hello Hanne62
The two charities have been in the process of amalgamating for a couple of years, this rebranding is the culmination of that work. The aims are the same- working to help support people who have respiratory conditions, their joint funds can be used more effectively, no overlapping each other, no duplication, better research.